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Hi! Thanks a lot for reading this garbage of a story! I love you for doing it! (:

But anyway, if you don't know already, I'm here to tell you that because I love making sad stories, now I'm gonna go and make a series! (:

I know that this story doesn't even have a lot of reads, but I'm still going to make a series (:

I hope you'll read it, yeah (:

The series would be named untitled and the stories are:

#1 unspoken (this one; calum)
#2 unnoticed (ashton)
#3 unfinished (luke)
#4 unmasked (michael)

I'm working on all of them but I got unnoticed almost done! I'll post it as soon as possible (:

I hope you like this book or you're gonna like the untitled series

Oh, and by the way, while waiting, you can go to my profile and read my 5SOS Sad One-Shots (told ya I love making sad stories). I have 6 5SOS short stories in there, and I hope you'll like it (:

Lava u lava u lava u

-bri xx (I'm always here if you need to talk)

Tweet me; @hoodrricane_

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