“You guess? You haven’t run away have you?”

“No, no, they let me out this morning. Sorry, it’s confusing in my head”

“It’s understandable. Come on, get in and get changed. Being in those clothes probably don’t help the situation”

“Not one bit. When did you start getting all motherly?”

“When I started getting closer to my due date. Which, by the way is in a week”

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry for all the strain this must be putting on you”

“Greg, you’re one of my best friends. I’d rather have the strain than not having you at all. Plus, it was trying to keep Micky, Dan and Lottie away from each other’s throats that was the hard part”

“Why were they at each other’s throats?” I asked even more confused.

“Micky and Dan found it hard not having you there. And because you weren’t there, they were distant from Lottie and I. Lottie then thought Dan was leaving her because he was so distant and they had it out but everything seems to be fine right now. How’s Elianna?”

“Um, I guess she’s alright. The police came in yesterday to talk to her about everything. Although, I ended up losing it. I felt scared, Ella. Walking in the street scares me, being in my own home scares me. Even though, I haven’t stepped in yet, it scares me. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore Ella” I said, finally letting the tears slip.

“Greg, no one wants you to pretend everything’s fine when it’s not. We know you aren’t fine, we can see it in your face. In your eyes especially. They’ve lost their normal sparkle. I don’t know how tough it is on you but I understand that it’s really tough. I know you have to try to live life as normal as you can but I understand that it’s hard.  I know that you won’t be able to tell the rest of us what really happened those three days you were away and we all know that you’ll be closer to Elianna more than anything. Greg, we know it’s not easy especially when you’re separated from her but you do need to look after yourself too”

“I know I do Ella but I keep feeling like I have to put everyone ahead of me and that I’m not important”

“Gregory West, you hold your ass right there and listen to what I have to say. You ARE important. You ARE needed here and in the band. You ARE wanted by the fans. The band wouldn’t be the same without YOU. You ARE important to Elianna and to the rest of us. We would lose it if YOU weren’t here. You’re the funny one of the band, the happy one. I know that doesn’t say much on my behalf but the boys could tell ever better things about as to why you’re needed in the band. You three gel together better than anyone else I’ve seen, including Micky and I and we’re married. Greg, you are an important piece of the band regardless of whether you think it or not. You need to value your safety wisely and correctly. We need you around here and it wouldn’t be the same if you were gone,” Ella said, enunciating some words. I knew she meant well but it just made me cry even harder. I haven’t saw my family yet so I’ve no idea as to how they’re gonna take the news but I do know I’m probably gonna cry worse than what I am now.

“Sorry” I said apologetically.

“Why are you apologising? You’ve nothing to be sorry about. It wasn’t your fault that you both were kidnapped. It wasn’t your fault everything else happened. Stop feeling like it is. I know that’s particularly hard but please try and block out those thoughts”

“Ella, I’m trying and it’s hard”

“I know but you have to try. I’m not psychiatrist or specialist but sometimes its best block it out and remember happier times. Think about your EP and album being released; think about the X Factor and how good it felt to get those yesses and how you got that standing ovation at your audition. Think about how many smiles you bring upon your fans’ faces when you respond to them on Twitter or even follow them or when you give them a hug in public or at meet and greets. Think about the smiles you bring upon Micky and Dan’s faces when you’re just being yourself. I know being yourself is something of a whisper right now but Greg, we all believe in you and we are all there if you need someone to talk to. We may not understand but we will listen if you ever need to rant” Ella said calmly. I just smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug. “Oh by the way, Olivia’s here. She came down this morning,” Ella then continued.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now