Chapter Two - Spaghetti Love

Start from the beginning

As soon as they were gone, Alice was going on and on about which clothes we were going to wear for our first day of school. I hoped she would find something to do while in New Hampshire to preoccupy her time-maybe a fashion studio? Or a little store with her own designs? And that gave me an idea! Hmmm... My mind just went in scheming mode. I laughed to myself.

"What's so funny?" Jacob asked while he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"I just got an idea of how to, how do I say this, occupy Alice." I turned in his arms to face him and gave him a devious grin.

"I see that scheming look in your eyes. What are you up too?" Jacob asked me with a grin of his own.

"Something that maybe will keep Alice a little busier so she isn't trying to dress us every day." I whispered into his ear.

Jacob chuckled. "I don't think that's possible but I guess it is worth the try." He kissed me on my cheek. "Let's get some breakfast first!" He smiled and let me go but grabbed my hand to pull me along towards Esme's kitchen.

I knew he smelled the bacon and pan cakes she was whipping up. Entering the kitchen I let go of Jacob's hand and made my way around the island to give Esme a hug. "You know you don't have to do that. I should be doing this for my husband," I said once our hug was over.

She smiled kindly and I could hear in her thoughts that she loved doing this. Even if the wolves weren't around to eat she would cook and donate the food. That there gave me another thought.

"You know I love cooking Nessie. You can cook for Jacob anytime you want dear." She kissed my cheek before turning back around to take more bacon out of the pan.

"Are you still going to do that construction business you talked about before we moved?" I asked her.

"Yes! I have already bought all the supplies and even got business cards made." She lit up with excitement.

"What about also cooking for meal on wheels for the elderly around the area? I would help you if you wanted. That's if you had the time of course," I suggested.

"That is actually a great idea!" she said excitedly.

"What's a great idea?" Bradey asked once he and Kelton entered the kitchen.

"I am going to cook meals for the elderly!" Esme was happy and that made me happy.

"That's great!" Bradey said. He was sincere too.

"So, what are we up to today boss?" Kelton asked Jacob as he slapped him on the back.

Jacob nearly choked on a piece of bacon and glared at Kelton. Kelton gave him an apologetic grin which only caused Esme, me and Bradey to laugh.

"Sorry man," Kelton took the stool next to him in hopes that Jacob wouldn't hit him.

Jacob didn't retaliate and answered him. "We are scouting out the land." He then looked up to Esme. "Do you have the map of where the property line ends? I want to mark the boundaries."

I gave an 'ew' face to him and scrunched up my face. The boys started laughing and Jacob shrugged his shoulders and apologized to me.

"Yes, it's in my office. I'll get it once I am done with the rest of the pan cake mix," she answered as she continued to cook.

I ate a pan cake and few slices of bacon while the guys scarfed everything else down. They always loved Esme's cooking. I hoped to cook as well as she one day. I think I'm going to really work on cooking more.

After we cleaned up the kitchen for Esme, the boys transformed to run the property. I always enjoyed running with Jacob in his wolf form but with the others with us it was awkward. Jacob is always in Alfa mode when the others run with us and is so focused. That's a good thing but I really just wanted to run around with him when he was more relaxed. I sighed to myself as I fell back a little to let the boys run a head.

During the run we found several locations that would make a great new field for us. I could tell Alice and Jasper had already been to a few of them. Their scent covered the area. I laughed at the thought of what those two were up too. I'd figure it would be Rosalie and Emmet out in the open but maybe Alice and Jasper were just picnicking.

After a few hours of running with Jacob, Bradey and Kelton, I got bored. I patted Jacob on his head and told him I was heading back home.

'Are you sure?' he thought to me.

I kissed his furry face. "Yes."

'I'll come with you.' he thought quickly.

"No, no. You stay with the boys. Have some fun. I'll meet you back home later," I reassured him.

'Ok, I love you Nessie ' he thought to me before I took off.

"Love you too!" I said before breaking into a sprint heading home.

I didn't know what to do actually. I guess this was a great time to try and cook something. I knew they would be hungry when they were done running and I really needed to practice. Once I was home, I looked through the fridge and decided to make spaghetti. I even made garlic toast. It smelled pretty good. The aroma filled the entire house and I took a deep satisfying breath in. I just hoped it tasted good!

After covering the food up tightly, I headed to the bathroom. I was soaking in my very large walk-in tub when I heard the guys in the kitchen. They were happy and eager to eat the spaghetti. Their thoughts informed me they could smell the spaghetti a mile out and I smiled happily to myself. I was still smiling when Jacob came into the bathroom to check up on me.

"There you are!" He gleamed at me! That smile melted me every time! "The spaghetti smells wonderful!" He eyed me hungrily like I was the plate of spaghetti.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, I hope it tastes as good as it smells!"

Jacob walked closer to me and leaned down, cupping my cheek in his hand and then kissing me gently. "It will!" He gave me a mischievous grin.

"I'll be out in a moment!" I smiled back at him.

"I can help you," he suggested playfully as he swished the water in my tub and sat on the edge.

"The boys are here," I playfully scolded him. "Go. I will be out in a minute."

He looked like a kid who just got told they couldn't have a cookie before lunch. I laughed and shoved him off the tub. His butt connected to the floor and made a nice loud thump that made me chuckle loudly.

"Ok!" He gave up and got up to leave.

I was standing up from the bath then, still laughing, and he picked me up and lifted me out of the tub. That was all she wrote. His body next mine was a flame that wanted attention, like it needed oxygen. We kissed each other deeply, our hands roaming each other's bodies and letting out our own moans and forgetting momentarily of the two young guys in the kitchen with very keen hearing.

When a louder moan escaped my lips I blushed. "Ok... Mr. Black..." I whispered breathily, "We can continue this later when we don't have others in the house," I said with bright pink cheeks.

Jacob grunted and I smacked his arm. He held it like I really hurt him but after a few seconds laughed. He finally left me to get dressed after kissing me one more time that made me melt and really in need of a cold bath. I loved that man with all my soul!

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