Three Months With Trey

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She tried to look pissed but it wasn't working for her. "Trey I'm soaked!" She yelled with a smile playing on her lips. She walked out of the lake and stormed towards me. Before I knew it guys were cheering. She'd taken her shirt off and was squeezing the water out of it. Over my head. I was already wet but I didn't care. I couldn't speak. She raised an eyebrow at me.

I took off my shirt and dropped it to the ground. "If you want to get the boys rowdy I'm doing it for the girls." I said to her. Abi screamed for the girls to shut up and stop staring. Coop laughed and shook her head.

"I don't think this is funny!" Abi fumed. Her face was as red as Coop's underwear. "Trey stop making a fool of me!" I turned and gave her my best 'what the fuck' look and turned back to Coop. I grabbed her hand and took her to my car. She dried off using the towels I brought and Joanna passed her a spare shirt.

"Aww man! I liked that view." Tucker complained. One day I'm going to punch that guy square in his nose. He obviously saw my pissed look and threw his hands up in surrender. "Hey man its cool, I know the rules about Jamie." I glared even harder, Jamie spun her head round to face me.

"What rules?"

"Oh you didn't know why you, miss popularity, can't get a date?" Abi smiled. "Trey tells all the guys not to bother." Her eyes narrowed. She's never looked this mad at me. Not when I've snuck in her room at four in the morning. Not when she's 'caught' me with a girl at school. Not even when I was so hungover I forgot about our Sunday trips to see Mia.

"Is this true?" She whispered. I nodded. Well there's no point lying. "You jerk. I can't believe you. I thought you were better than this." She picked up her bag and started to walk. As she got next to me I grabbed her wrist. "Don't touch me." She shook her hand free and continued walking.

Abi's face was pure smugness. Tucker whispered something to her and I lost it. I punched him. Dylan dragged me off him. Abi slapped me and told me its over. "What's over? We. Had. Nothing! I'm out of here man."


I sat in my car outside my house when Callum, my neighbour came and tapped on my window. He sat in my passenger seat. "She wants to know how you knew she'd be here?"

"I'm her best friend, I know her better than anyone. Maybe even better than you." I stared ahead looking at the road that leads to the beach house we spent most of summer at with her dad. "Is she still pissed?" He shook his head.

"I told her you did what you did to stop her getting hurt. But this is going to take more than ice cream to fix man."

"What do I do?"

"You're her best friend, you figure it out." Callum climbed out of the car and went back inside. Five minutes had passed before she texted me.

'Trey I don't want to fight. Clarice made chilli, get your butt in here xx'

I grinned and jumped out of my car. When I got in the kitchen I hugged her tight.

"I'll make it up to you Coop I promise." I thought on how I can make it up to her, then it hit me. I thanked Clarice for the food and promised Jamie I'd see her later.

Back at the ice cream place I thanked god Ben was still working. See I remebered his name! "Hey Ben." He looked surprised to see I knew his name. "You know my friend Jamie right?"

"Your girlfriend." He spat. Jealous much?

"Yeah man she's a girl and my best friend." I smiled. "Look dude, let me get to it. Ask her out on a date."

"Wha-, why?" He stuttered and dropped an ice cream cone. "Why me?"

"One - you're not like the guys I surround myself with. Two - I will tell you everything Jamie likes so there maybe a chance of a second date." He thought for half a second before agreeing. I passed him her number and left feeling like a great guy.

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