Mating season.(shy!Laxus x Reader)

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Mating season.
(shy!Laxus x Reader)

You sighed, annoyed with all the usual chaos that took place in the guild. Only except this was the start of an even more chaotic week then usual. It was mating season, which entailed that the dragonslayers would go completely out of character to try and find a mate, and some people--like Cana-- would join in as well.

Natsu, who was normally sweet and encouraging, not to mention how rambunctious he can be, was now a grumpy, aggressive, dominant presence, dragging poor Lucy around, but she didn't seem to mind... In fact it looked like she enjoyed it.

Gajeel had become annoyingly clingy, his voice higher pitched and had taken a more feminine side, which Levy didn't seem to mind.

Wendy was too young of course, and Laxus was nowhere to be found. You sighed and placed your drink back on your lips.

"What's with the sigh?" Mira leaned over the bar toward you.

"It's only day one and I can't take it." you rubbed your temples causing the pale haired woman to giggle at you.

"Don't worry Y/n, it's not that b-" she was cut off by the guild doors opening revealing a tall burly figure that was unmistakably the lightning Dragonslayer, Laxus. You sighed once more, for two reasons. You were curious and annoyed with how he would act.

"Hey Mira. How does sparky act when mating season comes around?" You asked.

"He's actually really quiet and he carries around a rose but oddly  never gives it to anyone." she shrugged and I turned back to him. Causing the second reason you sighed to burn deeper within your mind. Laxus was your crush, although you avoided conversation with the blond at all costs to avoid embarrasing yourself, you still loved him deeply but was afraid to confess. And now it was mating season and you grew sad at the fact he would never choose you.

You placed your chin in your palm and stared at your drink before feeling a gentle tap on your shoulder. Looking up, you nearly fall out of your seat. It was Laxus! For a second your heart began to race, but then you realized you were sitting in his usual spot.

"Oh you want your spot back? Here-" you began to get up before he shook his head and took your hand, tugging it toward a unoccupied table in the corner of the guild.

You blushed, walking beside him noticing he was sweating and shaking oddly. But neither of you said a word as he sat you down at the table, walking around It to sit across from you. The poor guy was shaking furiously as he pulled out a rose and held it out to you. You shrank back in suprise and looked at him--who was shaking furiously, blushing and avoiding eye contact--

"Laxus is this for me?" you tilted your head to the side out of confusion. He just quickly nodded, still avoiding eye contact. You we're taken aback, this man--who has a thousand other girls he could be with-- has chosen you to be his and only his!

Laxus then began to look down, his hand quickly retracting. But you were faster and grabbed his wrist.

"I asked you a question, is this for me?" You asked again, trying to get a verbal response from him. He simply nodded again and you spoke, "That's not a good enough answer. I want to hear you say it."

He stiffened, looking at you with wide blue eyes, then looked down again. It was a while before the blond spoke, but when he did he was quiet.

"Y-Y-Y/n... I L-Love you... And I want you to b-b-be my mate..." he stuttered out. This caused you to smile, you graciously accepted his rose and looked at him deeply.

"Of course I'll be your mate, Laxus."

There you go, if youd like a part two or somethin let me know in the comments, requests are open!!!

Dedicated to @Thefluffyotaku

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