Chapter 14: You're late

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Important A/N at the end of chapter about THIRD BOOK OF BILLIONAIRE SERIES. READ PLEASE!!!

Kaley's POV

On the night I came back to London, I spent no second in getting back to Chris. Nikolas drove me to my apartment where I was sure Alis waited for a long chat about Jake. Not to forget that by now she surely saw some news about me storming into the wedding and stopping it. She'll now think that my obsession with Blake is more than some usual crush, because let's face it: no one, I repeat, no one would dare to do that because of some love for someone famous... Okay, someone actually would. Me included, but that's something else. I am crazy as I am.

"There it is," he said parking the cars as I smiled. The entire time the flight lasted, he's been reassuring me that everything's going to be okay, as if he knew something. Maybe he could predict the future? I swear, he was so positive in his words that I had no other explanation. Did he, by any chance, meet Blake in secret and made the deal to trick me? Who knew, with the current flow of events, I wouldn't be surprised if dinosaurs resurrected.

"Thanks, for the ride and..." I started "...And everything that you did for me so far. For saving me, helping me get to London, taking care of me and my son with your men and Alis, driving me here... Ya know," I grinned.

"You're welcome. On your behalf, I enjoyed the time I spent with you," he chuckled making me grin back.

"Who'd say. I enjoyed my time with you, too," I threw back as he leaned his head on the seat before rubbing his eyes. Now that I had a better look at him, I saw that he seemed really tired.

"Wanna come in? It's late anyway," I offered and he yawned.

"What? Some sibling-joining time?" he asked "What about your roommate? Is she going to be okay with it?" he asked. That means he agreed.

"Alis? Nah, she's an angel," I replied "Just don't anger her. She can be a really, really temperamental angel from times to times," I warned. He gotta know what is he getting himself into.

"I can deal with her, don't worry. I'm not as weak as you think," he frowned as he started getting out of the cars and I followed opening the doors on my side.

"I don't think you're weak, I just think that she's stronger. Trust me, I wittnessed it all," if he says so, then he'll deal with it the way he knows. I'm not getting my life over by standing in between them.

"Yeah right. Just don't tell her anything about me. Past, present, who I really am... Okay, you can tell her who I am to you. I'll deal with the details, the less people know about me, the better," he gave me one last warning and I nodded. He was a nice guy towards me, but that didn't have to mean that he was that kind of person for real and to everyone else.

"Okay, let's go then," I wanted to see Chris. It's been a while, almost as an eternity since I last held him in my arms. With those words of mine, he locked the doors as I heard the usually beeping from car alarm. I come to love cars and I wanted to drive one, especially automatic, but I wasn't sure I could. And I didn't have for one. Plus, it's kinda nice when all you do is sleep and enjoy while someone else drives; no fear of hitting someone. Granny for example. They are nasty.

I saw on YouTube an old granny that fell asleep on the road and when a guy in the car beeped her to move, she hit his car with her staff activating an airbag in the cars. Man, if I were that guy, I'd kill her, that thing is expensive to put back.

Getting inside of the building, I led him to the elevator. I lived on the fourth floor so it was much easier for both me and half-asleep Nik by my side to get there who followed me without complaints. Considering that he goes around leading the way all the time, I guessed that he was really out for good.

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