Suddenly I felt like I was tripping over something and woke up with a gasp. I was breathing heavily and looked at Harry's wide eyes.

"Where are we?" I asked in my raspy 'I just woke up' voice.

"Glasgow. In a hotel room. They paired us together again I hope that's fine with you." Harry explained and I nodded my head.

"Uhm, I will change my clothes." I said and pulled out shorts with a top to sleep in. I changed and saw Harry already in bed when I returned. I laid under the covers and turned the lights off.

"Goodnight Harold."

"Night Lia."

I was almost asleep when he said, "you sang great yesterday on the balcony."


"Where is Zayn?"

"He wasn't in his room when I woke up." Louis said with a shrug.

"He left the hotel at six in the morning." A security guard told us as he came towards us.

"Where did he go?" Paul asked kinda mad that he wasn't where he was supposed to be.

No one knew where he was exactly.

"I'll call him again." Louis said and pulled his phone out.

"Where are you mate?!" Louis suddenly said loudly into his phone.

"Are you kidding me?"

"We're on a tour right now mate you can't just-"

"I'll tell em."


"Where is he?" Paul asked as Louis hang up.

"He said and I quote "I don't want to do this any longer"." Louis said furiously.

"So he left the band?" Niall peeped in.

"He left the band." Louis confirmed.

"Like forever?" I asked making everyone look at me.

"Yes." Louis confirmed.


"I'll go use the bathroom." I muttered and left quickly. I pulled my phone out and called Zayn.

"I already told you that I wasn't coming back!" Zayn snapped into his phone.

"Don't yell at me man." I hissed with a playful groan.

"Sorry Lia. I'm sorry that I left like that the music and everything else is just not my thing anymore." Zayn explained to me.

"I get it Zayn. We're all pretty mad at you right now but I promise that I try to keep it on the down low. It will be a huge disappointment though." I said with a sigh.

"Thanks for understanding me Lia."

"Anytime, just call me if you want to talk." I said and I could tell that he was smiling, "thanks, bye."

I hang up and walked back to everyone else.

"Why did he left? What's his point?" Harry growled as he plopped onto the couch.

"It isn't his thing anymore. His taste changed and you can't be mad at him for having other interests. I know that he just left like that but that doesn't change anything. We just have to tell the media before people start with rumors."

Everyone stared at me not believing that this came out of my mouth.

"He talked to you properly?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"He did because I wasn't yelling at him." I said simply and sat down next to Niall.


I don't have anything against Zayn or anything like that it's just for the story 👐🏼

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