Chapter 17

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*Oliver's P.O.V.*

I was really tired of being here and no one was even doing anything in the slightest to find a way to get us out of here. They didn't care and weren't worried about getting out of here, as long as they didn't die. That's all everyone here was worried about, keeping themselves alive and it was so selfish. I walked past them all and went to the staircase, lazily climbing it and holding on to the banister. My body was so weak, I just wanted to get out of it. I didn't even feel like walking, I didn't feel like doing anything.

I climbed to the very top of the staircase, stopping when I reached the wall with the holes inside. I sat down beside the wall and touched it slightly, touching the stained blood that had yet been cleaned off. Whoever was supposed to clean it sure did a sucky job. I felt my eyes start to water and I laid my head against the wall, my thumb caressing it. Closing my eyes and trying to envision being close to Josh, and that's what I wanted right now.

"Hey." A soft voice came from behind me and I opened my eyes, turning around to see no one. I peered back more to look through the hall to see if I could see anyone, but there wasn't anyone in sight. I looked back forward to everyone gathered around.

"What do you expect us to do then? Just sit around and wait for each other to die?" Bret said and Erin started to cry.

"We're not going to all die, I promise." Mike said, comforting her and Alysha came over into his arms, him having both of the girls.

"How can you be so f.ucking sure then, huh? You've seen what's been happening and you continue to act like everything is all gone and dandy." Austin said and everyone seemed to look at him in shock.

"Well, you know what, you're all f.ucking stuck here until I say so." Ronnie said and I sat up a little straighter. Everyone starting to murmur and wonder what he was talking about. "You want to leave and die, go ahead, but I'm letting you know right now that if you want to stay there's no going back. There's no complaining, no arguing, nothing. You guys have to trust that there's someone here trying to help you, and get everyone out of this place. You think I want to see all of you die?" He asked and no one replied, they just stayed there in place.

"What are we going to do? We can't go in the kitchen and it's too late to go outside." Mike asked and Ronnie sighed, rubbing his head and trying to think.

"Just give me a minute. Everyone, just give me a minute to think." He said and went over towards the bottom of the staircase and sat down.

"Can we go to bed?" Kellin asked and only a few people began to murmur in agreement.

"Uh, I don't know. Just, give me a minute." He repeated and Chris went over and touched his shoulder, looking at him.

"Why don't you just let everyone go to sleep?" Chris asked, looking at everyone, then back at Ronnie. "Look at them, they're all exhausted." He said and many of them did yawn and nod in agreement.

"Fine, just, everyone be careful." He said, making everyone murmur a thank you before starting to line up at the stairs. I stood up at the top and moved towards the wall, having my back against it. I looked across from me towards where the knives came flying and killed Josh and I sighed, looking down at everyone's feet who passed.

"It's about time we get to go to sleep. I'm tired." Kellin whined as he held on to Vic's hand and going off into their room. Hannah passed by me, but she didn't even look at me or speak a word. She actually avoided me like I was some type of plague, and it did hurt a little. I watched as everyone went off into their rooms, everyone except Ronnie, Chris, and Ricky who just came back from wherever he went.

"I'll be back, you girls get some rest, okay?" I looked behind me to see Mike standing at the door of his room, before closing the door and coming back to the stairs. "Aren't you going to go get some sleep?" He asked me as he passed by and I shook my head slowly.

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