Different Sense: 10

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(A/N: quick note, 'boscage' is actually another word for 'undergrowth' or 'woodland'... it just sounds funkier xD thanks for reading!)


Dusk came to soon, the chatter amongst the group varied in topics, but Lothiriel was not taking part in any of the conversations. She just didn't have the heart, no part of her right now wished to speak. So she travelled, in silence looking to the road ahead.

Eryn Vorn soon stood out, the wooded area stood out amongst the other specks of trees on the horizon. The oncoming darkness made shadows creep across the area. The woodland immediately looked more menacing because of the enveloping darkness.

Lothiriel stood and looked up at the thick line of trees in front of her. Behind her Gandalf had suggested about hiding the ponies, he also suggested about leaving their weapons behind. Obviously no one was happy about this, but if they walked in with all their weapons, then all that would greet them was certain hostility. They still carried some smaller items to defend themselves if need be.

Eryn Vorn was a dark place now. It was upsetting Lothiriel to see how much her home had changed.

Turning when there was footsteps behind her she looked up at Gandalf. “It's time.” His shadow was stretched out along the emerald grass, from the setting sun. She gulped and nodded hesitantly. Pulling her pack off her back she quickly looked through the content before folding her cloak up and putting it in. Hiding her swords so they were attached to her lower back she looked up when Thorin approached her. He unclipped the cloak and with ease, he threw it over her shoulders.

She got weighed down slightly by it and looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “How do you manage to live in this?” She asked as a joke, only her tone was too strained. Thorin merely shook his head, despite how much it was heavy to her, it was certainly very warm. It was still warm from where Thorin had only just taken it off.

The cloak dragged along the floor quite a bit which caused both of them to look down at the ground. Thorin raised an eyebrow and looked behind her. Lothiriel turned and pulled the fur of the hood up so it covered her face.

Taking a step forward she moved silently over brambles and fallen trees. Gandalf followed behind her, Thorin followed after him and Dwalin was at the back of the company.

When they were fully over the border, Lothiriel paused and looked over her shoulder. Her eyes peeked out from the fur, she looked up at Gandalf and then to Thorin, she was hoping for some sort of reassurance. All she received was a nod from the wizard, sighing and turning she continued on her way.

That was the last time she turned around to look at her companions. If it wasn't for the thick cloak she'd surely be shivering from the cold. She did have the niggling urge to turn and make sure Thorin was fine, but she suspected he would be. He had after all been through a lot worse than a brief spell of cold weather.

Lothiriel made her way slowly through the trees and towards the area where they started to grow thicker and taller. The branches laid low and every so often the trees would creak and groan from the breeze which was travelling through.

Bilbo had lost sight of her, but he stuck close to Balin who was just in front of him. Balin would sometimes stop suddenly and Bilbo would accidentally walk into him. More than a few times they'd almost lose their balance and topple over.

“Easy, lad.” Balin whispered lowly to him.

Bilbo tried his very hardest to keep calm, but the forest he was venturing through was not like the one he had read about in his books. Well it certainly wasn't when darkness had enveloped it. Every so often something would move through the bushes, the trees would groan and an animal sound would call out. Bilbo could have sworn that he'd heard footsteps more than once. The silence was unbearably suffocating. The thick leafy canopy let in very little of the oncoming moonlight. The small beams of light picked up very little, but Bilbo frowned when he thought he could see figures leaning from the branches. They were being watched. Before Bilbo could ponder anything more they came to a stop, yet again he tottered into Balin.

“What's happening?” Bilbo whispered. “Why have we stopped?”

“We're waiting to be found,” Gandalf answered instead of the dwarf.

“Why can't she just lead us there?”

“Because she's meant to not know the way.” Gandalf commented sharply which meant that he wasn't going to say anything more. It was clear that even the wizard felt uncomfortable in the forest surroundings.

Bilbo stood confused about the answer he'd received. But considering they were not going anywhere, he stood and pondered over it. He supposed Gandalf couldn't give a direct answer for they didn't know who was in the shadows, waiting to listen in. Also; Lothiriel was posing as a guide, a simple traveller of sorts. Which meant that she obviously wouldn't know the way.

“A group of travellers, in the darkness of Eryn Vorn. All in thick cloaks and hoods. You are walking an unfamiliar path. So what brings you all here I wonder?” A voice echoed from the darkness. It was an uneasy tone, the way the voice echoed it sounded like it was coming from everywhere.

“We have come to seek your assistance.” Gandalf mustered as confidently as possible.

There was a hum, “I would rightly be under that presumption for no travelling party of your numbers who have their wits about them, would wander into unfamiliar territory.” There was a pause. “Even if you are all strong and able.”

“We seek to speak to Durion, Lord of the Boscage.”

“Durion no longer rules here. His brother has taken over.”

“Then we wish to have an audience with him instead.” Gandalf said.

“Whatever for?” The voice asked in a mocking tone.

“I unfortunately have to say that the information I wish to share is for his ears only.” Gandalf explained, his tone growing an edge to it.

There was a deep chuckle from the dark, along with murmurs. But regardless of the almost inaudible noises, a figure stepped from the dark. The male was tall, lean but not skinny. He had a bow poised over his shoulder and attached to his hip were three swords. Two of them were broad, the third was slim. It made all of them raise their guards, they were all paying attention to the figure in front of them that they were oblivious to others stepping out from the darkness too.

The male who spoke to them stepped forward and came to a halt in front of Lothiriel. He had stepped into a beam of moonlight. He was built in a similar way to Lothiriel, he was small but he looked strong, he wore an attire which was certainly more suited to that of a warrior. Fine filigree armour was strapped to him.

Unlike Lothiriel's amber eyes, his were a dark colour of brown. In the light they looked almost black. He tilted his head to the side and smiled. “This one seems small.” He commented while looking Lothiriel's form up and down.

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