Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Nicolas sat at Chrissy’s side and refused to budge. The only time he did move was when Braedon dragged him to the kitchen to eat. He refused to believe Chrissy was lost to him, that she was still alive was a good sign but she hadn’t woken up yet and the fever was yet to hit.

Everyone feared the worst but he wouldn’t give up… he couldn’t. Nicolas was yet to hold his son and when prompted only shook his head stating he would do so when his mate woke up. Kasey and Jaz were both angry that Erica had taken the baby from them so quickly and even when Kasey tried pulling the Alpha with her she refused to bring Kyle to her.

Kasey could see it pained her to disobey demand but still she refused. Kasey snapped at her several times before Nicolas interceded telling her in no uncertain terms that this was what both he and Chrissy wanted. In the end he looked to Braedon and he ushered both his mate and his sister outside and away from Nicolas.

When her wounds had closed up Nicolas had the bed she’d given birth in taken away, he had the men burn it. He’d bathed then dressed Chrissy in a light night gown and put her in the bed they shared. There was no way he wanted her to wake up downstairs in the room that had been so full of blood and pain.

When the fever hit Nicolas wasn’t sure if he should take it as a good sign or not, he took care of Chrissy’s every need sponging her over to keep her cool and holding her so he could get a little water down her throat. Erica took care of Kyle and when he was asleep she helped Nicolas and gave him a break so Braedon could get him to eat or shower and change.

The fourth day hit and Nicolas was exhausted, he trusted no one to tend to Chrissy, truth be told he just didn’t want anyone near her so he pushed through exhaustion and watched over her. He wanted every moment he could have with her and ignored his son’s cries wishing only that his mate would wake up so they could both hold him.

He heard movement outside and low whines. He ignored it, he couldn’t be distracted in case Chrissy woke up and needed him. Finally Braedon came into the room, “Nick she’s healing and I believe her fever as started to break. Lay with her brother, rest and hold your mate. She’ll wake you when she needs you.”

Nicolas didn’t speak he nodded and as he stood and got on to the bed beside his mate Braedon pulled his boots off for him then closed the door as he left. Nicolas lay on his side and pulled Chrissy to him positioning her head on one arm and wrapping the other around her waist. For the first time since she went into labour he felt a semblance of peace. He closed his eyes and kissed the top of her head before drifting into sleep.


Early morning sun streamed in through the bedroom window and Chrissy tried to turn away from it. She was tired and didn’t want to wake up just yet. As she moved something hard wrapped around her and she opened her eyes to see Nicolas staring at her in surprise.

“Good morning,” she said and had to clear her throat. She sounded all croaky and before she could ask he was already reaching for a bottle of water on the bedside table. He opened it for her and held her as she sipped at it.

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