Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

By the time they arrived Chrissy was feeling a little better. She had a few calls to make to ensure everything was finalised for the wedding and when she realised she needed to go home to pick up something for Kasey to borrow she moved without thinking grabbing her bag and heading for the door of her suite.

As soon as she set foot outside the door she felt eyes on her, she didn’t see anyone but she sure as hell felt them, “Okay guys show yourselves because it just creeps me out knowing your there and I can’t see you.”

A moment later both Christian and Trae stepped forward. This was the first time they’d seen each other since she punched Christian in the nose. She smiled softly and walked over to him, “How’s your nose?”

He grinned, “It’s healed but I have to admit if you were a Were you’d have done a good deal of damage. As it was you made me bleed.”

Chrissy felt her face blush, “So are we good?” she asked.

“Yes Chrissy we are good and I appreciate you keeping your…” he saw the angry glare she was now giving him, “umm Nicolas from pounding on me.”

Trae stood beside Christian with a grin on his face, “Okay Chrissy what is it you need?”

She smiled up at Trae, “I need to go home and pick up something for Kasey to wear to the wedding. You know something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.”

They both looked at her a little confused and she thought to herself, Men have got no idea when it comes to weddings! She shook her head, “the dress is new, she’ll be wearing her mother’s locket which is old but I need to go get a set of sapphire earrings from home, so that’ll cover both borrowed and blue,” she looked at them expectantly and when they didn’t say anything she shook her head mumbled something inaudible and headed for the elevator.

She barely got there when Nicolas approached her a scowl on his face, “Where are you going?”

Chrissy rolled her eyes, “Wedding business umm,” she smiles sweetly, “would you like to come help?”

Nicolas had had more than enough of wedding business and turned to Christian and Trae, “Stay with her at all times and let me know the minute you return.” He took Chrissy’s hand and moved away from the two men, “You will do exactly as they say or I will be escorting you everywhere and I do mean everywhere. Is that understood?”

Chrissy gave an exaggerated sigh, “Understood but I swear Nicolas I’ve about had all the testosterone I can take for a lifetime!”

He laughed and let her go, within minutes they were in the underground car park getting into a Jag and driving towards her little home in Newtown. They chatted all the way there, that is Chrissy chatted and the guys listened.

It didn’t take long to get what she needed and they were soon on the way back but Chrissy cajoled her two body guards into going to see Maree and Henry. She wanted… needed a little normal time and the café was normal for her. It was busy and the new waitress they hired after Kasey left was looking a little flustered.

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