Chapter 8

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                                                       Chapter 8

Chrissy was up at the crack of dawn, she was a woman on a mission and god help anyone man or Were that either got in her way or stopped her from her appointed task. She sent Kasey a message mind to mind telling her if she wasn’t in her suite in fifteen minutes she was coming to get her. This might be Kasey’s wedding day but Chrissy had organised it and would make sure it went to plan.

She’d already ordered breakfast so they could relax and spend time together away from the men. Kasey didn’t want a fuss, but Braedon wanted this day to be memorable and Chrissy was going to make it that way even if she had to kill someone to do it.

Kasey arrived and they had breakfast chatting about old times. They had always been close and now that closeness was cemented in their blood. They truly were sisters now and that sat well with both of them.

They showered and Chrissy helped Kasey with her makeup and hair then they relaxed and had some herbal tea, more too calm Chrissy that Kasey. At intervals throughout the morning Chrissy would go talk to one of the men on duty. She was bossy and getting on everyone’s nerves but they knew she was trying to make the day special for Kasey.

When it came time for Kasey to put her dress on Chrissy shed a couple of tears at just how beautiful she looked, “Aww Kase you are so beautiful! I only hope I look half as good when I…” she turned away not wanting Kasey to see how she felt. “I’ll get the flowers so I can take a few photographs of you, so stay put!”

Kasey looked at her reflection in the mirror and for a moment it was as if she saw out of focus. When her sight cleared she didn’t see her own reflection, she saw Chrissy’s and yes she was beautiful. Kasey wondered if she should say something to her friend, let her know that she would indeed be beautiful on her wedding day but she held back. Today was about her and Chrissy had worked hard to organise it. Besides she really didn’t need anything else to think about at the moment.

Kasey posed for several shots and Chrissy even managed to get a few without her realising it, shots that showed the depth of how Kasey felt about being married to her mate. Chrissy wished she felt the same way about Nicolas but she didn’t. What she felt was fear and confusion so she doubled her focus on her friend until there was a knock on the door.

Chrissy opened it and grinned at Jax all dolled up in his wedding suit. She showed Jax into the bedroom and left them to spend a few minutes alone. When they came out Chrissy saw Jax wipe away a tear and Kasey hugged him close telling him she was glad he was there for her.

All too soon they were in the car and heading for the church and as Jax walked Kasey down the aisle he looked like the proudest father there ever was. Kasey got about a third of the way along when she stopped to look over her shoulder.

Chrissy followed suit seeing a group of men standing at the back of the church smiles on all their faces. She recognised Ewan but one man in particular stood out and Chrissy guessed that it was Kasey’s father. She nodded at Ewan then turned and continued up the aisle behind Kasey and Jax.

The service went without a hitch as did the reception which was at the hotel. She was relieved that everything had gone to plan and was thankful that none of Kasey’s family showed up. She had to laugh when she saw so many police uniforms dotted throughout the church and the reception. In one way or another they were all family to both her and Kasey.

Father Joseph was wonderful and at one point at the reception he touched Chrissy on the arm and nodded towards the mix of people, “God loves us all Chrissy and now there is a bond between two very powerful peoples.”

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