13. chips :/

44 1 1

:) the force is also with you, young student.




"Sky" I calm voice speaks, I turn around and notice a man, he has a dark clock on, a hood covering his face. "Sky?" It asks, but not in a friendly way. "W-what?" I ask nervously. My brain is screaming at me to run away. "I'm coming SKYLER" his face appears right in front of me, his red glowing eyes looking into my soul.

"Skyler" I hear harlies voice.

I scream and thrash at the closest thing to me and end up ramming my head into something hollow.(hehehehe just kidding :) sorry i just had to) which turns out to be harlies head, I look around and notice we're In a forest. 'Must have been a dream' I mumble to myself, all the while, harlie is laughing like a lunatic. I glare at her angrily, she scared me so bad!"

"Harlie! You scared me!" I shout trying to calm down.

"It was an experiment" she says calmly. 'Yah let's test and see if sky will kill you or not if you scare her' "I will get you back" I hiss. (Yah I know it wasn't the exact words, deal with it)

Harlie tells me about how her dad told her 'fairy tales' but really he was telling her about this place.

"I'm still getting revenge" I smirk, already planing what I'm gonna do.

"Sky why did you snap at my the other day?" Harlie asks
"What do you mean?" I ask biting my lip. "You know what I'm talking about you were obviously keeping a secret, and friends don't keep secrets. So tell me if you want to be my friend" she says angrily.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't......" I pause. "You shouldn't what?" She asks anger filling her voice. "I....." i try but I feel like I swallowed a big lump.

"Look...., I'm sorry I never had a friend and I don't really know what to do or how to act, I've always just had enemy's and I've never had any one that I cared about, I'm just not used to telling any one stuff" I blurt. I had no idea what to do, I've honesty never told anyone my true feelings. so I do the first thing I can think of: I run.

I run until the voice stops me. 'You think running away is gonna solve your problem?' It asks. 'Shut up' I mumble, continuing to run. 'Sky, just take a deep breath, I know your scared.' The voice speaks softly. I stop, something about how the voice said it made me think it was actually going to be ok.

Harlie comes runing through a clearing and towards me. Expecting the worse I wait. For her to yell. For her to hit me. For her to do something. But she just comes up and hugs me. I stand there shocked, and hesitate, then I hug her back.

"I should tell you the truth" I state, pulling away. 'Don't tell her about me' the voice says in a worried tone. 'What?! But I have to tell her the truth!' I argue 'Out of all the lies you told, now you 'can't'?' It sighs 'I can't lie to her, she's my friend, my only friend'


"Sometimes I just randomly am able to use my powers, but I have no idea how to control it, I didn't want to tell you because I thought that if you knew that I was useless you wouldn't be my friend" I say. I am technically telling the truth, I don't know how to control my powers, but it still makes me feel bad.

She hugs me. "I would always be your friend, and you're not useless, you saved us a bunch of times, if it wasn't for you I would have been eaten by that popsicle" she giggles. I remember that. We were walking through the dessert realm and harlie tryes to bite a big tree like popsicle, but it moved and started to attack us. I quickly found a house in a village and pulled harlie into the house with me.

"Yah, well I would have gotten killed by that vampire if it wasn't for you" I state remembering the time when we were walking and a vampire jumped at me and tryed to bite me but harlie found a shovel that was luckily right there and knocked the vampire out cold.

We're both laughing are heads off and soon it becomes dark, but instead of the sky being filled with stars and the moon being out, there was a red like moon instead and instead of the stars being tiny dots, they were huge, a little smaller then the moon, and about twenty filled the sky.

The next day I pull out the navy blue binder and look at the two pages. The first page was
From the flower realm. It said: hrgu ame falla cor. Which translated to: combined the flowers. The next page was from the candy/dessert realm which said: balg. That translated to: add the sweets.

We have a long way to go.

I wake up to my body being carried,  I try to pull away but the hands holding my arms up just grip tighter, I notice harlie getting carried beside me. I remain quiet, hoping the people that are carrying me didn't notice I was awake. "What if she doesn't recognize her?" I hear someone ask. "I don't know" another person replies.

We're carried into the same house we escaped from earlier. They set me on the floor but hold my arms back, they do the same to harlie, who is now awake. "there not criminals, let them go" a feminine voice orders. They quickly let me go and hesitantly let go of harlie. We don't try to escape, not yet.

"Hey sky, remember me?" The lady appears, she has a round face with long elegant black hair, and forest green eyes. "No.." I answer. "Here, I'll lead you both to your rooms" she smiles. "Is this for real? Usually people want to put us in cages" I state. "Sorry about that, my guards can be a little to over protective." She laughs.

She leads us up some stairs and towards a room. It has a queen bed with a purple and black blanket and pillows, the room has red walls, and a huge glass window covers a whole one wall. I immediately fall in love with this room. "I'll lead you to your room." She says to harlie.

I watch them leave and start to explore the house. I head back down the stairs and find a kitchen, next to it a huge table.

I go up to my room and explore it, I quickly find some sort of laptop device, it's just a key board, but when I press the power button a hologram type screen pops up. I go onto the internet and it asks me if I want to search from earth, some planet called argalase, or this world, I click on this world, but before I can do anything, the lady and harlie enter the room.

"Who are you?" I ask the lady.
"You can call me Carol, I'm your aunt" she says sweetly. "Now, you to must be starving, come with me" she leads us to the dinning room. I sit down and a plate of tacos appear "cool" I say stuffing my face. "It creates your favorite foods from scaning your thoughts" Carol smiles.

I walk into my room and notice something moving in the closet
I walk towards it and it jumps out, landing on top of me, it starts liking my face. "Flame! I remember you!" I laugh, flame  is a big Brown bear, but he has the power to change his size. Right now he's in normal size.

I stroke his fur. "I can't believe you're still here" I smile, I remember running through this house when I was a child, playing all sorts of games with him.

(Next day)

I walk into Harlie's room, which is right beside mine. "I think it's safe to stay here, i mean, Carol obviously doesn't want to kill us, what do you think?" I ask her.

Omg!! You have no idea how much times outo correct wanted to change harlie's name to Charlie! So if you see the name Charlie in this story it is not my fault!



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