Skittles (2)

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 Hey peoples I'm Skittles! I know I was little slow to write, but I've been quite busy. After this chapter's done you should comment and tell us who's character you like better and which chapter.               (cough cough I'm going to win cough cough)

"I'm going to the library mom!" I shout, so she can hear me.

 "I can hear you, don't shout. You can go but take your sister with you," she decides, okay maybe she could hear me.

 "But she's annoying!" I whine.

 "She's also right here," my older brother Sam told me.

 "That's the point,"  I argue.

 "You, stop touching my ears unless you want your hands to be no more," Lucy points at Sam, "You, I know you want me to go to the library so I'll come."

 "Why would I want you to come?" I questioned.

 "So you don't get murdered," Lucy smiles.

 "The walk is less than one block," I state, "and your nine, I'm fifteen."

 "Keep telling that to yourself, maybe it'll help you sleep," she chuckled.

 "She's ten," Sam whispered.

 "Wait, when did that happen?" I ask very confused.

 "Last Sunday, you crashed my party,"  she mutters unhappily.

 "I don't remember," I admit I'm not the most amazing at remembering stuff.

 "You must have been drunk," Sam said nonchalantly.

 "How would I get drunk at a a nine year old's birthday party, mom doesn't even drink, where would I get it?" I asked.

 "You must have stole a bunch of beer," he decided.

 "Lets go Lucy," I declare.

 "Sam you scared Harlie out of the house," Lucy stated.

 "I should have accused her of stealing beer years ago," he smirked.

 "I'm sure I stole a lot of beer at five," I chuckled and exited the house.

 Finally we got to the library. I hardly lived through Lucy lecturing me about fairies and unicorns. But I lived, I survived. Lucy automatically went to the fantasy section, I headed to the non-fiction section.

 This library had been my retreat for four years now. Dad had always loved to read, I suppose that's where I got it from. I couldn't remember him very well, but I could remember him better than Lucy could. I really missed him, I knew I always would.

 I picked up a thick book, it was very old looking. Its cover was a grey, blue sort of colour, but I think the blue was quite faded. It said on the front "Other realms". This looked like something from the fantasy section. Still I decided to read it, but much to my displeasure it didn't appear to be English.

 I decided to try to pronounce the chapter title. I really didn't expect to be able to pronounce it, it looked really difficult. I read it fairly loud, and quite clearly. Suddenly wind and water rushed around the room. The air around me started to glow. Suddenly I felt like I was on a roller coaster, I also felt like puking. I was surrounded by many colours and the next thing I knew everything went black.

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