29- The Wedding: Part 1

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One month later

Elena's POV

"Elena, wake up. We need to get you ready!" Caroline practically shouted in my ear, waking me up from my peaceful slumber. Before I went to yell at her for waking me up, my mind remembered what today was. My wedding day. One of the happiest days of my life.
"Mummy! Wakey wakey mummy!" I heard Isabella shout to me and before I knew it, she had jumped on the bed as well as on me.
"Hey princess. Why are you so excited?" She gave me a very cheeky and cute grin before wrapping her small arms around my neck.
"Mummy and daddy getting married! You forget?" I had to control my laughter in order to carry on the joke.
"Oh silly mummy, I guess I forgot," I said, watching as she laughed.
"Silly mummy," she said as she unwrapped herself from me.
"Come on princess, let's go and see your little sister," I said whilst carrying her over to Bethany's travel cot. I placed Isabella down on the floor in order to take Bethany out from her cot. She giggled and smiled as I place her securely in my arms, a sight that I loved to see. I knelt down to Isabella's level, wrapped my arms around them both, and embraced my two gorgeous girls. Other than Stefan, these two girls were my life, they filled my life with hope, excitement and love. I was so grateful to have them in my life.
"Bonnie, what time is it?" I lifted my head out of the hug to look at her.
"8:59am, which means that we have exactly four hours and one minute to get us all ready and down to the alter," she explained. I let out a nervous breath, not nervous because of the time keeping, I was just worried that I would end up messing something up.
"Okay then, maybe we should get started," I suggested. I stood up with Bethany in my arms and Isabella firmly holding my free hand. Before we started getting anything ready, I needed to feed my two children, otherwise we would have two extremely grumpy girls on our hands.

Bonnie, Caroline, Isabella and I had some breakfast, and I also fed Bethany. As I was feeding her, I noticed that Caroline looked strangely nervous.
"What's wrong?" Bonnie and I exchanged glances and I was guessing she had noticed there was something wrong too.
"Nothing. Sorry, I just get nervous about time keeping. You know me," she said with a laugh.
"Anyway, aren't you nervous?" I thought about my answer for a second, and the answer came out as 'no'. I guessed, in a way, I was a little nervous about messing something up, but not actually about the wedding and marriage.
"Not really, we've both been waiting for this for over two years. I'm happy, excited and all these other emotions, but not really nervous," I explained.
"Well I know that if it was me who was getting married, I would be freaking out. Not to get you worried or anything, but I just don't think I could have that commitment right now." I knew how she felt; I understood because a couple of years ago, that was me. I realised that commitment didn't scare me because I had Stefan, which probably didn't make much sense to everyone else, but it did to me. It didn't scare me, in fact, it made me happy because I couldn't wait to spend eternity with the one I loved. I never wanted to lose Stefan because if I ever did, I wasn't sure I could survive. But I'd have to, because no matter what, I'd need to support our children.
Realising how dark my thoughts had become, I quickly dismissed them from my mind. I had to focus on the positive things today, after all, it was my wedding day.
After we all finished breakfast, we came back up to the hotel room to start getting ready.
"Right Elena, you shower whilst we look after the kids and get the dresses and make up ready," Caroline ordered. I nodded, knowing not to mess with Caroline and her schedule, and hurried along into the shower. As I was in the shower I heard a knock on the door, and assuming it was the hotel staff, I forget about it. Once I finished, I stepped out of the shower, put my lingerie on and wrapped a fluffy towel around my body. I unlocked the bathroom door and immediately I was inundated by my two small children rushing up to me. Isabella ran and Bethany crawled at her own pace, but eventually she made it to me.
"Hey munchkins," I said whilst bringing them into a hug.
"Elena, something came for you," Bonnie stated as she walked over with a bunch of flowers.
"Mhm, who are these from?" I already knew the answer, but I still felt the need to ask, because I would never get used to Stefan buying me things.
Inside the beautiful display of different flowers, I saw a note inside the flowers that read:
I love you more and more each day. I can't wait to see you and make you my wife, I already know how beautiful you'll look.
I love you more than you'll ever know x
Once I'd finished reading, a few tears started to fall from my eyes.
Stefan had such a huge effect on me and I just loved him for that. I couldn't imagine my life without him and I just loved him more than life itself. He would never understand how much he meant to me.
"Elena, the make up artist is here, time to do your makeup!" Caroline broke me out of thoughts and practically dragged me over to a chair. And before I knew it, my makeup was being done, and I had become chair bound for the time being.
After my makeup was done, Caroline and Bonnie got theirs done whilst I sat with Isabella and Bethany. I was surprised at how good they were both being, I told Stefan that I was expecting them both to misbehave since there isn't a lot for them to do. But no, they've both been playing on the floor, giggling with each other, the entire time.
"Elena, your hair needs to be done," Bonnie called to me. I nodded with a smile and sat on the chair for the second time today, to get my hair done. Whilst I was in the middle of getting my hair done, we heard another knock on the door.
Bonnie smiled and cheerfully skipped to the door. "I'll get it, don't worry," ahe said. She opened the door to reveal three people: my mother, Jenna, and a member of the hotel staff holding a tray full of the bouquets we would all hold.
"Elena!" Both my mother and Jenna shouted and ran over to me, and since I was getting my hair done, I couldn't do much.
"Ah look at you, you look so beautiful," my mother gushed.
"I don't even have the dress on yet," I laughed.
"I know that," my mother said, making me blush a little.
Finally, once we has all gotten our hair and makeup done, and Caroline, Bonnie, Isabella and Bethany were all in their dresses, it was time for me to get into my dress. My mother and Jenna helped me in the bathroom whilst Bonnie and Caroline sorted out the last touches to Bethany and Isabella.
My dress was so comfortable, and I was so glad that I picked this one. I looked in the mirror and, I wasn't going to lie, loved what I saw. I was speechless. They managed to turn a young, tired-looking mother into someone who actually looked good. I didn't look really tired since I didn't have massive bags under my eyes (yet!), but I definately felt it.
"Oh Elena," my mum whispered.
"You look beautiful." Jenna said with tears in her eyes.
"Do you think Stefan will like it?" I asked, turning around from the mirror to look at them both.
"He will absolutely love it, honestly honey," my mother replied. She escorted me out of the bathroom where Caroline and Bonnie were waiting with my two girls in their arms.
"Oh my..." Is all Caroline could get out, she had the same expression as my mother had when she first saw me.
"Uh Elena, um, oh, y-you look absolutely stunning," Bonnie stuttered. I smiled at them both and took Bethany and Isabella into my arms, which was difficult. I hugged them in a tight embrace and rocked them slowly, giving each of them a kiss on the forehead. Isabella giggled a little as I kissed her. She's always loved it when we kissed her on the forehead, she was just like me in that department: I loved it when Stefan kissed my forehead.
"Right, it's 12:47, shall we?" Caroline gestured to the door, and we all walked out and downstairs. This was it. This was the day, place and time, that I would be getting married to the love of my life.
We waited until it was time, and I was getting more and more excited by the minute. As we were waiting, Damon approached us, as he was also waiting to walk down the aisle.
"Elena, you look stunning. Stefan is a lucky guy to have you," he said. I smiled at him before replying with a 'thank you, but I'm really the one whose lucky.'
"Ah well, you're both lucky to have each other." Before I could reply, I heard the wedding tune and saw my dad walk up to me.
"You look so beautiful. Can I just say how proud of you I am. You've wanted this since you were a little girl, and now you have it. Your mother and I love you so much, and we'll always be here for you." This made me cry, I had to quickly wipe my tears away so that I didn't ruin my makeup, but the effect his words had on me was still evident in my smile.
"Thank you dad, I love you both so much," I said, seeing the tears form in his eyes.
"I know, honey. Right, so let's get you married, you nervous?" I looked at him and shook my head confidently. I had no room to be nervous, not with all of this excitement that was flowing through me right now.
"Good luck Elena, we'll see you when you're a married lady." Caroline laughed as she joined arms with Klaus. I laughed back and nodded with a smile.
Damon and Bonnie left to walk down the aisle, followed by Caroline with Klaus, then lastly Jeremy with Bethany and Isabella. Now it was my turn. My turn to make the last step to reach my goal of a married life.
When we took our first step, I felt the nerves that I had pushed out, take over my whole body. However, when we entered the room where we were getting married in and I saw Stefan, those nerves quickly washed away. I saw his jaw drop a little as he saw me, and fresh tears form in his eyes as he smiled that perfect smile on his face. The only thing I could pay attention to was Stefan, only Stefan. He looked at me with so much love, as I did the same, and I felt my heart melt. Walking down the isle was like coming home, reuniting with your loved one and finding that trust in someone. Knowing that that person was waiting for you, waiting to unite with you before we truly started our lives, was such an amazing thing to know.
As we reached the alter, my dad lightly kissed my cheek before sitting down with my mother. Stefan took both of my hands in his, and gently rubbed my hand with his thumb.
The priest started to talk but, to be honest, I was so completely lost in Stefan's eyes that I didn't listen to a single word the priest said. I knew his speech off by heart, and knew what it meant anyway.
I snapped out of my gaze as the priest turned to me, telling me that it was time to read my vows.
"Okay, I'm not very good at speeches, but here it goes," I started. I looked up to Stefan to see him give me an encouraging smile.
"When I first met you, I always knew there was something about you that was special. You came into my life when I needed someone most, you stood by my side through everything and loved me like no one ever has. You're my shoulder to cry on, my sunshine in the rain, and my best friend, and it's such an honour having you in my life. I can't explain to you how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much I do. You're the reason I wake up with a smile on my face everyday. I love you so much," I finished. Tears were running down my face like a waterfall by this point, so Stefan gently took his thumb and wiped them away. His face also had tears rolling down them, but he also had a smile on his face. Now it was his turn.
"Elena, everyday for the past four and a half years, I have fallen more in love with you each day. Together, we have two beautiful girls, who I can't thank you enough for. You've always been there for me, as I am and will continue to be for you. I never thought that it would be possible to meet someone who is as gorgeous, smart, caring and just purely as amazing as you, let alone marry someone like you. You have no idea how much better you make my life, I couldn't and wouldn't want to imagine my life without you. I love you so much too. I love you with all my heart and will continue to for the rest of my life." My tears were still cascading down my cheeks hearing Stefan say his vows.
After that, we both said our traditional 'I do's and waited until the priest announced our marriage.
"With great pleasure, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," he said joyfully.

Also just to let you all know, there's two more chapters after this. There's part two and an epilogue then that's it (well, apart from the bonus chapter.) I have two ideas for the chapter which is a honey moon and a flash forward- the epilogue will have some kind of flash forward so I want you all to vote on those two ideas! Obviously I can only pick one and I can't write both because I have exams coming up so I only have a limited amount of time left to write.
Love you all!
-Chelsea X

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