21- Christmas Eve

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Two weeks later

Elena's POV

"Isabella, come down stairs please!" I called up to Isabella whilst finishing packing the rest of Bethany's things. Stefan's at work until about twelve since it was Christmas Eve so once he's back, we were going to my parent's house. Caroline's mother invited her, Bonnie and Klaus to stay over for Christmas so they were going back home too. I was excited for this since it was Bethany's first Christmas and it meant that my parents would get some bonding time with her and Isabella.
"Isabella please honey," I called again. I didn't hear a reply the first time I called so I assumed she didn't hear me. I continued to pack Bethany's things as I heard little footsteps making their way across the upstairs landing. I quickly checked on Bethany in her bassinet before quietly going up the steps to surprise Isabella. 
Stefan put in stair gates to stop her from falling down the stairs, but I'd left it open since she's been getting good at walking down the stairs.
I heard her giggling and wondered what she was playing with that was making her so happy. Walking into her room I saw that she was playing with Daisy. Ever since we got Daisy, Isabella has been nothing but attached to that cat. Stefan and I definitely made the right decision to get her a kitten since it gave her something more interactive to play with.
"Honey you need to get ready, we're going to go see nanny and granddad," I explained as she furrowed her eyebrows in frustration.
"Daddy," she said, not needing to continue. She's so attached to Stefan, it was so cute.
"Daddy's coming back soon honey, he told me that if you're good then he'll give you big kisses when he gets back." I explained and watched as the frustration disappeared from her face. We both knew that she wasn't angry, it was just her getting upset when either of us leave. She was still so young and she doesn't understand that when we leave, our absence was only temporary. She gave me a smile before wrapping her arms around me. I embraced her and she snuggled her head into the curve of my neck and yawned.
"Are you sleepy? You'll be able to sleep in the car baby," I said as I ever so slightly rocked her back and forth. It was only about thirty seconds later before we heard Bethany start to cry. I stood up with Isabella in my arms, and carried her downstairs. I placed her down on the sofa and watched as she tried to fight off sleep and stay awake. I then turned my attention to the screaming new born I had in the bassinet, and walked over to her. Gently picking her up and cradling her in my arms, I slowly rocked her back to sleep. It didn't take long but by the time she was calm, Stefan came through the door.
"Hi," he whispered, seeing the sleeping baby in my arms.
"Hey," I smiled as I placed Bethany back into her bassinet so that I could resume packing up everyone's things.
"How have they been?" He asked whilst running his hand up and down my arm and looking over at our two beautiful, sleeping children.
"They've been okay, Isabella practically played herself to sleep. So I'm hoping that, if she doesn't nap at my parents then we'll be able to get to sleep at a decent time." I smiled at the idea of having a nice, relaxing night tonight. Isabella has lost a lot of sleep recently as Bethany's been waking up every few hours during the night.
"Yeah, that'll be nice, you think we'll actually get a night to ourselves any time soon?" He asked with a cute smile on his face.
"Probably not," I laughed. He laughed too and leaned down to give me a quick kiss on the lips.
"I'm going to get changed from this suit, and I'll bring our bags down," he told me before walking towards the stairs.
"Okay, I'll get the girls ready," I replied before sitting by Isabella. He nodded in response before disappearing up the stairs.
I grabbed Isabella's shoes and carefully placed them on her, being careful not to wake her up. After successfully getting Isabella ready I move on to Bethany, who isn't going to be so easy to get ready. I knew I wasn't going to be able to put her coat on without waking her up so I just decided to put her in the car seat with a blanket over her.
Soon after, Stefan came down the stairs with the bags in his hands, and then swiftly left to place them in the car. Just then I remember that I'd completely forgotten about myself, I was so busy getting everyone's bags ready that I forgot to get myself ready. I look pretty scruffy since I was wearing one of Stefan's t-shirts, leggings and my hair was in a high ponytail. Knowing that Stefan would be back any second to keep an eye on the girls, I went upstairs to change into something a little nicer.
Once I was dressed, I came downstairs to find Stefan waiting for me with a sleeping Isabella in his arm, and Bethany's car seat in the other.
I slipped on my shoes. "Do we have everything?" I asked before shouldering my bag.
"I think so, we've got all of Bethany's and Isabella's things as well as ours. I think we've got it all," he said. I nodded my head, opened the door for Stefan and locked the door behind us both.
I was driving us all down to my parent's since I haven't driven for a while and missed being behind the wheel. I only gave birth about two weeks ago, and I wanted to drive as much as I was before having Bethany.
Throughout the drive Stefan's hand often rested on my leg which, I couldn't lie, made my whole body tingle with excitement. Even though we've been together for four years now, I still felt sparks and excitement every time he merely touched me.
When we arrived, I felt this rush of excitement flow through me. I wasn't sure why, but I was guessing it was because we were going to be spending Christmas with my parents as well as Stefan, Isabella and Bethany.
I grabbed our bags as Stefan picked up the girls, and after we both made our way towards the door, where my mother was already stood waiting.
"Hey honey," my mother greeted me with a smile.
"Hey mum, I can't believe it's Christmas Eve already," I said as we drew into a hug. She gave Stefan a slight hug since he was carrying both Bethany and Isabella, who was being cheeky and pretending to be asleep so that she wouldn't have to walk. When I noticed she wasn't asleep, she gave me a cheeky little grin and I could help but to shake my head in amusement as we all went inside. Stefan most likely knew that she wasn't asleep but he just liked to hold her, like he did with me.
My mother clearly couldn't suppress a smile. "I'm so excited to have you round for our first Christmas altogether," she exclaimed. Both Stefan and I couldn't help but smile at her words too, it was our first Christmas with Bethany, but also our first Christmas with my parents since Isabella was born. Before I could reply Jeremy and my dad came down the stairs.
"Hey!" Jeremy exclaimed after his eyes widen in shock after seeing all of us in the living room.
"Jermy!" Isabella cried as she ran straight to Jeremy with her arms stretched out.
"Hey Isabella!" He responded before bringing her up into his arms. I loved how great Jeremy was with Isabella and Bethany. Our daughters definitely had the best uncles we could ever have asked for.
"They're doing a lights show in town tonight, are you guys wanting to come with us?" I forgot all about the lights! Before Isabella was born, Stefan and I went to see the lights together, it was so romantic. We had lots of great memories there and creating more with Isabella, Bethany and my family would be amazing.
"Yeah that sounds like fun," I answered. My mum smiled as we all take a seat whilst Isabella played happily on the floor with her toys.

Later that evening

"Put your coat on sweetie, we're going out," I called to Isabella as Stefan strapped a wrapped-up Bethany into her pram.
"W-Where going?" She asked as I saw her walk into the living room; I smiled at her.
"We're going to see the pretty lights," I smiled again as she reached me.
I bent down to her level in order to help her put her coat on. "Who coming?" She asked. 
"Nanny, Granddad, Jenna, Jeremy, Alaric, Daddy, Bethany, Me and you." Once I finished my sentence, she smiled.
"Yay! Bethy, see lights?" By this time she was standing by the pram and peering over to look at Bethany.
"Bethany will see the lights with you, are you excited?" Stefan asked as Isabella happily nodded and stretched her arms out. Of course, Stefan picked her up and held her in his strong embrace.
"Do you like daddy's hugs?" I smiled as I approach them both.
"Yes!" She cried before wrapping her arms around his neck and tightening her grip.
"So does mummy," I replied before I felt a light kiss being placed on my head. I looked up to see him: the man I loved and the father of my two daughters. I loved them all so much.
"Right, let's go!" My mum called as she escorted and encouraged us all out of the door. I pushed the pram as Stefan walked next to me with Isabella in his arms. It was such a cold night, not surprising since it was December; the air was crisp and the sky looked gorgeous with the starlight.
We walked for about five minutes before we ended up in the middle of town with at least 100 other people. I held Stefan's hand with one hand whilst the other had a firm grip around the handle of the pram. Each year, the town held a ceremony where they turned on the Christmas tree lights on Christmas Eve, and since we didn't live here anymore, we haven't been in years.
The mayor came up on the stage and started to make his speech, it was the same each year so we all knew it off by heart.  I looked at Bethany sleeping soundlessly and then looked up to see Isabella tiredly cuddling up to her dad. I smiled to myself, thankful that I've been able to spend another Christmas happily with my family. I felt Stefan's grip around my hand tighten and a small kiss on my head, immediately causing my smile to grow. I rested my head against his arm as we all watched the pretty lights turn on.
We stayed in the town square for about an hour before we all got cold and tired. Once we were inside, all I wanted to do was sleep but I knew that wasn't going to happen for a little while yet.
"Bedtime missy," Stefan announced as he picked a tired Isabella up.
"Give mummy a kiss goodnight," he said before bringing her closer. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss before saying goodnight to everyone else. Stefan took her upstairs before I said goodnight to my family. With Bethany in my arms, I made my way up to the bedroom and walked in to see Stefan and Isabella on the bed, reading a story. Isabella's tucked into the middle of the bed as Stefan sat near the side, she's always loved it when we read to her. I smiled at the sight before ever so gently placing Bethany inside her bassinet. I quietly walked into the bathroom, changed into my pyjamas and when I walked out I saw Stefan placing a light kiss on Isabella's forehead. I couldn't help but smile at the two of them, seeing Stefan with our children was a dream come true for the both of us. All I ever wanted was for him to be happy, and with us I knew that he was. I've always wanted children, always wanted to get married and always wanted to be a family. I couldn't be happier knowing that my dreams came true.
"Mummy... listen story?" Isabella rubbed her eyes sleepily as they both looked towards me. I nodded before walking to the other side of the bed and sitting next to Isabella. Stefan continued to read the story as we both listened intently, and thankfully by the end of it Isabella was fast asleep.
"Is mummy tired?" Stefan asked, tilting his head to the side, allowing me to see his perfectly green eyes. 
"Mummy's very tired," I pouted before carefully getting up and making my way round to the other side of the bed. Stefan stood up also, met me half way and wrapped his strong, comforting arms around me.
"How did we get so lucky?" I asked as I gazed over at our sleeping daughters.
"We have everything we could've wished for," he replied.
"We sure do." I lifted my head from his chest and looked into his leafy green eyes. This eyes alone had the power to make my heart melt into a puddle. I placed my two palms on the sides of his face, my thumbs gently grazing over the skin of his cheeks. He leaned his head down, as mine rose to meet his. Our lips met a short and sweet kiss, that I didn't want to end.
"I love you, Stefan." My forehead rested against his as I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love.
"I love you too Elena, so much." He kissed my cheek before embracing me in another hug. As long as I had my family, I was happy.

AN: Sorry for the self promo but my other story recently hit 900 votes and I can't thank you enough! If you haven't voted on them but liked them, please vote! I'd love it to get to 1K votes!!
If there are any mistakes, I am so sorry!
-Chelsea x

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