16- Girly Day Cut Short

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Three days later

Elena's POV

I've been in bed for most of the past three days. Stefan's been looking after myself as well as Isabella, which just made me more and more thankful that I had him. I was still sore and a little weak from fainting three days ago. I still couldn't remember anything that happened that day, all I knew was that I felt weak and everything went black. When I woke up, all I could think about was the pain and worry I put Stefan through. He said that he was just glad that I was okay, but that didn't make me feel better. I couldn't believe that our baby could've died because of me, I felt terrible for putting our baby's life at risk. Stefan kept telling me that it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't help but to think that it was. I still didn't know why I fainted, I wish I did but I just couldn't seem to put my finger on it. I knew it had something to do with my pregnancy and I should only be pregnant for another week at the maximum, so hopefully the problem won't persist. I hoped so for both my sake and Stefan's. Stefan always became upset talking about it since he felt responsible for what happened, he wished he could've been there. I explained to him that what happened wasn't his fault, no where near his fault, but like the person Stefan was, he continued to blame himself.
"Hey, how you feeling?" Stefan asked as he entered the room. He sat down beside me on the bed and gently brushed my hair away from my face.
"Better than before," I weakly smiled to him. My bruises have gone down a bit and my muscles were still a little sore.
"Caroline and Bonnie wanted to know if you're up to having a girly day with them. I think they're worried about you." A girly day did sound fun, and I guessed since the baby could come any day now, it was going to be the last girly day we have for a while. But then again I really wanted to spend time with Stefan, since he's not at work at the moment, I didn't want to leave him on his own.
"What about you? I don't want to leave you on your own," I said as I took his hand in mine.
"I won't be on my own, Damon's driving up here to meet a friend so I'll ask if he wants to come here after," he said, holding his gentle grip around my hand.
"It'd be nice to have a girly day with them again. What if something happens though?" I asked, panicked by the possibilities of hurting myself or the baby. Being tired wasn't the only reason as to why I haven't gotten out of bed, I've been too scared to. Stefan knew about my paranoia and I knew he began to get more and more worried when I would cry about it.
"I'll only be a phone call away, I promise. If you need me at all then I'll be there." His voice was always so calm and soft, which was how he always managed to calm me down.
"Do you want me to call them and say you're up for it?" He smiled as his voice showed a hint of hopefulness, wanting me to go out and have some fun. I confidently nodded my head as he helped me to sit up. He smiled and lightly kissed my forehead before going to make the phone call. I sighed a little before standing up, little actions that I did now absolutely kill my back. I got out a pair of jeans, one of Stefan's t-shirts and a baggy jumper to wear over it. It took me a little while to get dressed but eventually I finished and put on a very small amount of makeup.
"Beautiful." I walked out of the bathroom to be met with Stefan's gorgeous face and voice. I smiled a little, even though I knew I didn't look very pretty today, I was practically showing every sign of pregnancy there was.
"Not today I'm not," I sighed and walked over to the nightstand. Stefan followed and had a sympathetic, cute expression but also a look of disagreement.
"You are beautiful, every single day, minute and second. I've never doubted how beautiful you are." His words touched me like all of this words did, he always said the right thing. I'd already started to blush at his words, I always blushed when Stefan complimented me. He kissed my cheek before entering the bathroom, leaving me smiling to myself. I slipped on my shoes before walking into Isabella's room to get her dressed.
"Hey baba, are you going to come with me today?" I ask as I kneel down next to her with her clothes in my hands. She placed her toys in the little box that sat beside her. I loved how she always put her toys away after she's finished playing, she's such a good girl. I got her dressed and, by the time we finished, Stefan re-entered and helped me and Isabella up.
"You ready to go?" He asked me as he brushed the back of his hand on my cheek. I could've melted right there on the spot, when he merely touched me I honestly felt weak. I nodded my head in response but obviously Stefan could sense that I was still really nervous to be away from him.
"Everything will be okay, I promise. Just call me if you need or want me and I'll be there as fast as I can." Hearing Stefan tell me how he would literally drop everything and race to me when I need him did make me smile, but I didn't want to make him do that for me.
"You're right, I just really don't want anything to happen," I said running my fingers through my hair.
"I know you don't, I don't either. Caroline, Bonnie and Klaus will be there, so you're in safe hands." I nodded my head in response before leaning in to hug him, he hugged me back and we just stayed in our embrace until Isabella came running back into the room.

Thirty minutes later

Stefan's driving us in the car since he doesn't want me walking too far or to be on my own whilst doing so. I loved how protective Stefan always got of our baby and me, he's always been like this. When we arrived at Caroline and Bonnie's house, Stefan helped me out before getting Isabella out of the car. Isabella was so excited that she ran up to their door well before we could even get there. It took me a little longer to get to the door but Stefan constantly had his arm around me and was always holding my hand. Isabella waited for us to knock on the door and a few seconds later we were met by Caroline's smiley face.
"Oh my god, Elena!" She said and, before I could even speak, engulfed me into a hug.
"I'm okay," I said to comfort my friend. This was the first I've seen Caroline since the accident and it was clear that it was a very emotional time for her. I've spoken to her on the phone but not a lot since I've either been too tired or too emotional to talk.
"Come on, let's go inside, your daughter's already made herself at home. Do you want to stay, Stefan?" We both looked inside to see Isabella in Klaus' arms and, by the looks of it, they're both having fun already.
"I've got to go and meet Damon but I'll be back later, just let me know when you want me to pick you up." He laughed a little before replying to Caroline's question.
"I will," I smiled before we exchanged a small, sweet kiss. My hormones made me want to continue the kiss like crazy but since we were surrounded by others, it was best to keep the intimacy to a minimum.
"I'll see you later, I love you," he said before he took a step back and started to walk to his car.
"I love you too," I replied before he got into his car. He gave an irresistible smile before igniting the engine and driving off. I watched him drive away and instantly started to miss him. However, it wasn't long before Caroline started to escort me inside and sat me down on the sofa.
"Elena!" I hear and turned my head to see Bonnie running towards me, a smile plastered on her face.
"Hey-" was all I could say before she brought me into a hug.
"I'm so glad you're okay," she breathed out, sounding relieved that I was right in front of her.
"I'm okay, sore but okay." At this comment she loosened her grip around me, obviously scared that she would hurt me.
"Have you been out the house since it happened?" Caroline asked as Bonnie and I drew out of the hug. I shook my head in response and looked down at little.
I felt Caroline's hand touch my own. "I've been too scared to," I said.
"Don't worry, you're in safe hands here. We're going to have the best girly day ever, with Klaus." We all looked over at Klaus, who was sitting down with Isabella and looking like he was having the time of his life. We all laughed.
"Right, shall we get this day started?" Bonnie asked as she practically jumped out of her seat and into the kitchen. It looked like they've both planned the activities of the day out as she came back in with a bag full of stuff.
"So first, movies and popcorn. And since your little one is awake we should start off with some Disney films." She looked rather pleased with herself and Caroline for planning everything out for me. I smiled and nodded before replying.
"Sounds good to me," I replied before Bonnie raced over to the TV and put the DVD in. Klaus came over and passed Isabella over to me, she was already rubbing her eyes so I was assuming that she would fall asleep soon. I took her into my arms and we cuddled up together with Bonnie resting her head against the top of my shoulder. Klaus and Caroline were sitting on one sofa together as the three of us sat on the other. The film they put on was Frozen- my favourite Disney film! Isabella's already falling asleep and by the end of the film, she was fast asleep in my arms. I loved holding her in my arms, I loved having her head rest on my chest, she was always so calm and peaceful when she slept.
After I put her down on the other sofa, made sure she couldn't fall off and was warm enough, I sat back down and Bonnie was already onto the next film. We watched a few more films which consist of: Love Actually, The Notebook and Grease.
As soon as the last film ended I felt this weird sensation run through me. I ignored it until I felt a warm running liquid and instantly knew what it was. 
"Guys, I have some good news and some bad news." I said as subtly as I could.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the quick updates to make up for the month long update-THE BABY WILL BE HERE SOON. ARE YOU EXCITED? I AM!
-Chelsea x

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