26- Wedding Plans

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Two weeks later

Caroline's POV

"Caroline, what's the list of things we need to get?" Elena asked from the kitchen.
"We need bridesmaid dresses, the boys' suits and then your dress," I said as she entered the room again. She gave Isabella the beaker of juice she made her and took her place back on the sofa and swung her legs over Stefan's. He smiled at her and gently rested his hand on her legs.
"We also need to sort out table decorations, seating arrangements and all that kind of stuff too," I said.
"Right, sounds good. Oh and Care, we wanted to ask you about something," she said, sounding nervous.
"Go on..." I said, wondering why she was nervous. If it had something to do with the wedding then she shouldn't be nervous, it was their day so what they said goes.
"As you know, you're walking down the isle with Bethany and Isabella, but Stefan and I were thinking and we thought that you should walk down the isle with Klaus," she said before I interrupted.
"Wait what? That's not the tradition is-" I started but I was cut off by Stefan.
"We know it's not the tradition, but we thought it'd be a nice touch for you to walk down with Klaus," he smiled. I actually couldn't believe they've made that decision, it was so sweet of them to think of me.
"But wait, who's going to walk down with the girls?" I asked, still stunned by the fact that they changed traditions for me.
"We're going to ask Jeremy if he wants to take them down the isle," Elena replied.
"That means that Bonnie will walk with Damon, Jeremy with the girls, you with Klaus and then Elena with her dad," Stefan explained further. My heart was melting with my friends' kindness and how sweet they were.
"Only if you're sure that's what you want, I'm on board," I said excitedly.
"Great, we're glad!" Elena gleamed at my reply. I couldn't believe how sweet my friends were.

Elena's POV

After we finished off sorting out some things for the wedding, Caroline left to go and meet up with Klaus. We've decided that we were just going to have a lazy day since Stefan didn't have to go to work and we were both exhausted. Stefan still had some work that he wanted to finish so I decided that whilst he did that, I could do some baking with Isabella. I took Isabella into the kitchen with me and we looked through my baking books to see which cakes she wantsed to make.
"Ooh!" She said as her eyes caught sight of the little fairy cakes on the page.
"You want to make some fairy cakes?" I asked and she smiled in reply. I placed her on a chair so that I could get out all of the ingredients we needed for the cakes. Stefan and I bought Isabella her own cooking equipment so that she could help me but not break anything. I placed the ingredients into her bowl and watched intently as she started to mix the ingredients together. She continued to swirl the spoon around until it had a batter consistency. Every time a little bit of batter would splash out of the bowl she would squeal with excitement. It was amazing watching her bake, she was so cute and adorable.
"Right, we need to place the batter into the cases," I announced.
"Mummy will hold and tip the bowl but you can help me pour the mixture in," I said. I lifted the bowl slightly and tilted it so the batter ran into the cases. Isabella's hands laid on either side of the bowl next to mine and she helped me tip the mixture into each case. When each of them were filled and there was no more mixture left, I gave her the spoon. Every child liked to lick the spoon after making cakes, Jeremy and I always did it when we baked with our mum.
"I'll put these in the oven whilst you watch. The oven's too hot for Isabella." She nodded her head in understanding and sat down to watch me place them in the oven. I set the timer for fifteen minutes and started on the washing up. As I washed, Isabella used a small tea-towel to wipe some of the spoons and bowls, although I would have to wipe them again in a minute.
Just after I finished the washing up Bethany started to stir.
"Should we go and calm your sister down?" I asked Isabella.
"Yes, noisy," she said, making me laugh. I walked, with Isabella's hand in mine, into the living and took Bethany out of her Moses basket.
"Do you want to hold her?" I asked Isabella, who was already sat down and patting her lap. I sat down next to her and gently placed a wriggly Bethany into her arms. At first Isabella freaked out a little because Bethany was being so wriggly but I was quick to tell her that it was okay. I guessed that Isabella was scared of dropping her, she loved her little sister so much and I knew she would never want to hurt her. Isabella's held her many times over the past couple of months, so she was used to it, but Stefan and I liked to keep our hands there to support Bethany's head and body. I couldn't believe how fast these 15 weeks with Bethany have gone. Time was passing our family by, and despite the fact that it scared me a little, I was happy to see Isabella and Bethany growing up. I loved seeing how their actions changed as they got older, Stefan did too.
Before we knew it, the timer went off so I took Bethany out of Isabella's hands to put her back in the Moses basket. She was still awake but thankfully she was distracted by a cuddly toy in her basket. Isabella and I went to check on the cakes and by the looks of them, they looked well-cooked.
"You want to help mummy make the icing?" I asked her, anticipating her excitement. Of course she agreed so I got the ingredients out and allowed her to mix them together. Whilst she was content with mixing them together I started on the wings of the fairy cakes. I cut out a piece of each cake, cut them in half and then left them beside the cake. Once I was done, Isabella was also done with the mixing. Using a spoon, we spread a little bit of mixture into each hole I and placed the two wings inside. We did this until each of them were completed fairy cakes.
"Yay!" Isabella said as she clapped her hands at our finished products.
"High five!" I said and raised my hand, which met hers with a small clap.
I smiled before taking her into my arms. "You're mummy's little baker," I said.
"I love you mummy," she said. At her words, I lightly tighten my grip around her, happy and content that I had such an amazing daughter.
"I love you too, honey." I was smiling like crazy at her words, I loved hearing her say those four words because they meant so much to me. One of my fears of having a child was the fear that my child wouldn't love me back. Stefan always thought that I was crazy to think that because he's always said that our child would love me just as much as he loved me.
"Where daddy?" She asked and pulled away looking at me.
"Daddy's upstairs doing some work. Do you want to go and see him?" I asked, already knowing her answer. She nodded her head so I put her down, carefully picked up Bethany and walked up the stairs with them both.
"Daddy!" Isabella opened the door and ran into the spare room, which is where he kept his work.
"Hey honey!" He said back as he took her into his arms and sat her on his lap.
"We make cakes!" She shouted with a massively cute smile on her face.
"Wow! Did you have fun making them with mummy?" He asked, smiling just like she was.
"Yeah! Lot fun!" She cried with so much excitement. Bethany started to quietly stir with the noise so I gently started to rock her to calm her. She's been awake a lot more lately and it has definitely been taking its toll on her as now she's been needing her naps.
"Do you want me to take her for a minute?" Stefan asked and I replied with a grateful nod. He very skilfully held Bethany in one arm as the other still held Isabella. It would really scare me if anyone else held Bethany like that since I didn't trust anyone as much as I trusted Stefan. In fact, I loved it when he held her like that because he could hold both of our girls in his arms, and I knew he just loved to do that.
"How far have you gotten?" I asked as my hand rested on the back of his neck, my fingers gently gliding across the skin.
"Almost finished, but it doesn't have to be finished today," he smiled, looking up at me. That was what I loved about Stefan, he always reached deadlines and almost all of the time he would finish work as soon as he got it.
"My little hard worker," I teased. I received a smile in response before we shared a small, sweet kiss. Being with Stefan and our two daughters just made me appreciate my life so much more.

In the evening

After the fun-filled, lazy day we've had, Isabella was finally in bed. I was currently walking into Bethany's nursery to put her to bed. It was so surreal how she was old enough to sleep in her cot and how she would sleep throughout the night without waking up. Even though I didn't want her to grow up, Stefan and I appreciated getting full-nights' worth of sleep. I placed her into the cot after gently placing a kiss on her forehead. I quietly made my way out of her room and before turning once more to check on her, I shut the door behind me. There I met Stefan, who looked like he'd just come out of Isabella's room after reading her a story. We walked into our room together, got changed into sleepwear and got into bed. I was reading this book called Twilight and I really didn't understand the logic of the book.
I lowered my book to rest on my lap. "I'm confused," I said.
"About what, baby?" He asked turning his head to face me and my distressed expression.
"Why do vampires in this book sparkle? I mean, we don't sparkle and I don't get how they function," I replied.
"Babe, I think you're reading too much into it, the author of that book believes they're fiction," he answered.
"Yeah, you're right." I said and smiled at how Stefan knew practically everything. I put the book down and moved closer to him, I buried my face within his top, taking in his irresistible scent.
"You smell nice," I smiled rather sleepily even though I wasn't that tired. He laughed a little before wrapping his arm around my waist, his fingers gently tickling my sides. He lightly kissed my head before I turned to look at him.
"I love you," he whispered to me, causing me to smile.
"And I love you more," I said, adding a small smirk on the end.
"You know you always say that but, it's not possible." He countered, smirking like I was.
"Well then, show me. Prove to me that you love me more," I said cheekily and seductively.
"Someone is being very playful today," he laughed.
"Just kiss me," I said, pulling his head towards mine, crashing our lips together. The kiss became deeper and deeper until Stefan pulled away and started on my neck. His warm kisses on my sensitive skin felt so good, so good that I released small moans of pleasure. I felt Stefan smirk against my neck at my moans before he suddenly stopped.
"So anyway..." He said teasingly. I let out a sigh of frustration at his joking, he knew exactly what I wanted. He laughed a little at my sigh and reconnected our lips. This time, we didn't stop. I turned us over and rested on top of him as our lips remained connected and our kiss became searing. It wasn't long before Stefan flipped us over so that he was hovering over me with his sexy, amazing muscles keeping him up. My hips pushed against him as his fingers ran along the hem of my top. My hands did the same to his top and pulled it over his head. My hands ran down his well defined chest before we disconnected our lips in order to shed me of my top. He kissed my neck and chest for a little while before both of our trousers were removed. After that, everything was just a pleasure-filled blur.

AN: I am sorry that this chapter is rubbish, I know I didn't update on time but I've had a lot of school work to do. I hope you like the steamy (ish) material- you'd requested it so I thought this chapter would be perfect for putting that in. Thank you for reading! Also, to any twilight fans, I thought you'd like the fact that Elena's reading them. No offence should be taken to Elena's criticism of the vampires. I wanted to add some humour with it as well. Last thing, if you read my first book of the series, please vote on the chapters! The book is so close to 1000 votes and omg I'm so happy about it!
-Chelsea x

Stelena: Eternal Love (2) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon