27- Finding The Perfect Dress

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Two months later

Caroline's POV

Today, my hyper-active, overly organised self was very excited and rearing to go. Today was the day where Bonnie, Elena's mother and I got to take the bride-to-be to get her perfect dress. Smiling with excitement, I carefully unwrapped myself from my boyfriend's arms and left to go to the bathroom. I checked the time to find it was 8:30, we were meeting everyone at Stefan and Elena's at 9:00, so I had to hurry. I got dressed as quickly as I can, kiss a sleeping Klaus on the cheek and walk out of our bedroom. As soon as I shut the door I was greeted by Bonnie and, by the look of her, she was just as excited as I was.
"Ready to go?" I asked, seeing her nod her head.
"Of course, now let's go!" She excitedly exclaimed whilst grabbing my wrist and running downstairs and out the door.
"I can't believe this is all happening! I mean, I still don't think that this has all sank in yet." Bonnie explained, bubbling with excitement.
"Me neither, although I hope she's actually awake when we go in." I replied.
"They've got two kids under the age of two, I'm sure she's already up." Bonnie quite smartly replied. As we walked past the drive way and towards the door I noticed that Miranda's car was already here. 'Okay, so we're all here and on time' I thought to myself. Bonnie knocked on the door as I was lost in thought, mainly trying to organise the entire day.
"It's open." We heard Elena's voice from behind the door. We both walked in to see a perfect sight. Elena was sitting with her mother whilst giving Bethany her morning bottle, while Stefan was sitting on the floor, playing with Isabella.
"Right girlies! Are we excited to go?" I asked, walking over to sit next to Isabella.
"We sure are," Elena smiled as she finished feeding Bethany and passed her over to Stefan. Stefan winded her gently as Elena went into the kitchen and brought out Isabella and Bethany's bag. By the look of it, she was making a mental check list of everything she needed for them.
"Right, I think I've got everything." She said as she turned to Stefan and Isabella.
"Are you going to come with mummy?" She asked Isabella, who immediately looked up at the sound of her mother's voice. She quickly got up and practically lept into Elena's arms, wrapping her arms around her neck.
"I guess that's a 'yes' then," Stefan laughed at seeing Isabella so excited.
"I guess so," she replied with the same laugh.
We said our goodbyes before leaving to get into the car. We left Elena to say goodbye to Stefan and put Isabella and Bethany in the car for her. A few minutes later she came back and, smiling to herself, she sat in the chair.
"Everything okay?" I smirked, knowing why she was so smiley, I was like that with Klaus.
"Yeah, everything's great," she said before igniting the engine and heading to our location. I couldn't wait.

Elena's POV

Once we stepped into the shop, I became overwhelmed by the amount of dresses there were.
"How on earth am I supposed to choose one?" I asked, still bewildered by the amount of dresses and wedding accessories I was seeing. After asking, one of the ladies who worked there approached us and offered us a hand.
"Hi, my name is Rosie. I'll be here to help pick your perfect dress. Do you have any preferences on style?" She asked me, expecting me to know straight away, like a lot of women did. I shook my head, a little uneasy since this wasn't my area.
"That's okay, we'll just get you to try some dresses on and see what you like," she smiled gesturing me over to the fitting room.
I didn't know why but as she left to get some dresses, my anxiety level doubled. Caroline, Bonnie and my mum could tell I was nervous but, like me, had no idea why.
"You okay?" Caroline asked, walking over to put a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I think so," I replied, nerves evident in my voice.
"Honestly honey don't worry. If you're worried about not finding the right dress, or one that Stefan likes, don't. You'll look beautiful in anything you put on and Stefan will definitely hold the same opinion," my mum consoled me. Bonnie smiled and nodded at her words, which made me feel better.
"You think so?" I asked, still a little unsure.
"We know so," Bonnie simply said. I smiled at the greatest friends and mum any girl could ever ask for.
I almost jumped when Rosie returned. "Right so, I've got a few dresses here for you to pick from. You're welcome to try them all on but if there's a particular one you like, we can just go with that one." She explained as she presented each dress.
"Which one do you like?" I asked the others and watched as they scanned the dresses, figuring out the one they liked.
"I really like the middle one, I think it'll go with your figure," Caroline stated.
"I agree with Caroline," said Bonnie.
"Hm same," my mum added. I was pleased they all liked the middle one since it was the dress that had caught my eye.
"Can I try the middle one on please?" I asked Rosie and watched as she nods. She asked for my size and went to get the dress in appropriate size before taking me into the dressing room and helping me into the dress. Putting on a wedding dress made everything so much more real, I couldn't believe how quick these six months of planning have been.
"Okay, so does everything feel okay?" Rosie asked me, and before I got the chance to reply, I saw my reflection in the mirror.
"Yeah, everything's great," I replied, mesmerised by the dress I was wearing.
"Do you want to show your family?" I nodded at her question and followed her as she led me back.
When I came into their sight I heard gasps from each of them and saw massive smiles on their faces.
"What do you guys think?" I asked as they looked almost shocked by what they were seeing. I was honestly a little nervous as to whether or not the shocked expressions were good or bad.
"Honey...wow. You look absolutely stunning, that dress is definitely the one." My mum said before coming over to embrace me and starting to cry.
"Doesn't your mummy look pretty?" Caroline asked Isabella as I smiled and laughed a little.
"Are we going with this one?" I asked and watched as they all nodded their heads in agreement. My mum gestured me to twirl so I did and as I did she examined the dress. I could tell she was in love with it just as much as I was.
"This one please," I turned to Rosie and said.
"Good choice, whilst you change out of the dress I will start placing the order," she said. I smiled and nodded before going back into the changing room. Once I was out of the dress, I sent Stefan a text:
I just found the dress! All this is making everything so much more real xo
"Elena, are you done?" Caroline called to me so I quickly grabbed my things before walking out to them.
"All ready," I said before we went to the next thing on her list: bridesmaid dresses. Luckily, the bridal shop did both wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses.
"Let's get your dresses shall we?" I said and received several nods from them. I brought Isabella up into my arms, resting her against my hip. 
"What colour are we going for?" Rosie asked politely.
"Well, the colour scheme is a greyed jade colour so anything around that would be great," I replied.
"Ah, we have the perfect dress for that!" She conferred with Caroline and Bonnie about sizes before she left to fetch the dresses. When she walked back in she had two dresses of the same style. The dresses were the exact same colour as the wedding scheme, had gorgeous straps and had beautiful embroidery on the top of the dress. I was in love with them.
"Any interest in this one? If not then we can-," she started before Caroline shook her head.
"I think it's perfect," she said.
"I agree," my mum chipped in.
"Me too," Bonnie concluded.
"Okay great, why don't you try these on whilst I get the dresses for your little ones," Rosie said before leaving again, however she was quick to return.
"So, we have two bridesmaid dresses for your little ones that I think you'll like." I saw the two dresses she was holding and instantly fell in love. The dress was a green colour on the top and had a ballerina style skirt on the bottom.
"Ah I love them so much." I almost cried when she brought them over to me.
"Do you want to try it on them?" She asked and I looked at my two daughters, I smiled and turned to Rosie.
"Of course," I said before putting Isabella down and taking Bethany out of her car seat. I took Isabella's hand and took them both into the dressing room. Isabella was already bouncing with excitement as she awaited to try on the pretty dress. I put the dresses on them both and let a few tears fall when I saw them.
"Twirl for me, sweetie." She twirled like the little ballerina she was and looked absolutely gorgeous as she did it.
"Pretty?" She asked as I wiped my tears away and smiled.
"You two are the most beautiful bridesmaids I've ever seen. You're my little princesses," I said before standing up from my kneeling position and walking out with them both. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Caroline and Bonnie standing in their bridesmaid dresses.
"You all look so beautiful!" I smiled before I felt more tears slide down my face. I couldn't believe this was all happening. Before I could say anything, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Bonnie took Bethany into her arms so that I could answer my phone. I looked at the caller ID and smiled at his name.
"Hey babe," I sniffled, since I'd been crying. I walked a few steps to the side in order to get some privacy.
"Hey baby, everything okay?" His voice was filled with concern.
"Yeah, everything's great. I've just seen my bridesmaids together and I'm a little emotional," I laughed. He laughed a little too.
"Did you need anything?" I asked, a smile still on my face.
"No, nothing in particular. I just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you're okay with Bethany and Isabella." I smiled, knowing I had the best fiancé in the world.
"Elena?" I heard and immediately knew I was needed.
"Yeah, we're all great, they're both being absolute angels. I've got to go but I'll send you a picture of them all, I love you." I said whilst smiling.
"Okay, that's good to hear. Have fun, I love you too." He said before we both hung up.
"Yes?" I walked back over to see Isabella and Bethany in their dresses as well as little tiaras on their heads.
"Oh wow, don't you two look pretty?" I asked as I picked Isabella up and kissed her forehead. "Which reminds me, I want a photo of you all together."
I placed Isabella into my mum's open arms; even though she hasn't got a bridesmaid dress on, I wanted her in the photo.
They all gathered round, I stood in front and took a photo of all my bridesmaids together. I couldn't believe I got so lucky to have someone I loved marry me, and to have such amazing bridesmaids.
Once the photo was taken, they all gathered round and immediately a series of 'aw's filled the air.
"I'll send it to Stefan," I said as I wiped a single tear away from my face. I sent it to him before placing my phone back in my pocket.
"Oh wow, you all look so beautiful. Do all the dresses fit okay?" Rosie asked as she rentered the room. Caroline and Bonnie nodded before talking to Rosie about the dresses whilst my mum approached me.
"You're going to be the most beautiful bride ever, more beautiful than I could've dreamt of being." I smiled with more tears flowing out of my eyes.
"If I could be as beautiful as you, I'll count myself as extremely lucky," I said before we brought each other into a hug.
Soon after, everyone was back into their normal clothes, we had the dresses paid for and ordered and we were making our way back home. Isabella was clearly very excited to be a bridesmaid, since she's been babbling to Caroline and Bonnie for the entire car ride. I parked the car and we got out and entered the house.
"Daddy!" Isabella shouted as she raced over to Stefan, who was just entering the living room.
"Hey baby!" He called back as he took her into his arms. He walked over to me and helped me with Isabella's bag.
"Have fun?" He greeted me with a simple, sweet kiss.
"Lots of fun, and surprisingly stress-free," I laughed a little. I greeted him with a kiss this time, smiling throughout it.
"Good," he replied with a smile. This wedding was getting closer and closer each day, and I couldn't be happier about it.

AN: Do you guys like the photo in the chapter? I made the collage so I could show you the theme of the wedding and what I've chosen! Guys my first story went way over a thousand votes last night and I'm honestly so happy about it! Thank you all so much for voting, it honestly means so much to me! I woke up to 92 notifications last night and seeing all of your votes made me smile, so thank you! I have the best readers ever!💖
-Chelsea x

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