Things Change

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(A/n I am so sorry for the long update. I have been really busy. I have also had a little bit of writers block. I feel like I am back on track to be able to at least post once a week now. Thanks for all the votes. I hope to continue this story with you. You guys are awesome. This will also be the last chapter in Matty or Sarah's POV. After this, they will still be mentioned but I am only going to show Reagan and Kenzie's POV )

Matty POV

        Every since we all got that dreadful call that Reagan was in the hospital things have been haywire. Seeing your best friend in a coma and not knowing if she will ever come out of it really puts a damper on your emotions. I realize that the way I acted that night in the garden was really wrong. I am not like that. When I saw them I should have either made my presence known or snuck back out of there. Seeing them that night though showed me that what I feel for Kenzie is nothing compared to what Reagan feels for her. I had my chance with Kenzie and I blew it. I should have fought harder for them to be together. Down deep in my heart I knew that they were good together I just never wanted to believe it.

       After Kenzie found out she was left in charge of Andre Estates, I hardly ever saw her. In a way all this distance between us has helped me come to all these thoughts. It doesn't help either that I have started to have feelings for Sarah. Sarah and I are at the hospital almost everyday together and have gotten really close. Neither one of us have crossed a line yet though. It's nice to have someone to talk to that actually listens. I still feel like I am betraying Reagan by having these feelings. Every time I look in Sarah's eyes I get lost in them. Some times I have to force myself to look away. I really hope that Reagan will wake up. Everyday we look for any sign that she is waking up and every night we go home disappointed. After six months of her being in that coma the doctors had even given up hope.

         They wanted us to go on and decide to pull the plug. I knew that Kenzie was the one with the final say so and I wasn't sure she would ever be able to make that decision. Over time I could see the change that this wreck has put in her. She is no longer pushing her love for Reagan away. She has started embracing it. If only, she had the guts to do this before now. If Reagan hadn't of woken up yesterday I'm not so sure how much longer I could have sat in the hospital to watch my best friend rot away. As Reagan came awake, I knew she was extremely disoriented. She kept glancing around like she was trying to figure everything out at once. The doctors were amazed she was awake.

          After giving her a few minutes, they started asking her a few questions. My heart fell when all she could remember was our teenage years. It fell even more when she started yelling at me after I told her who I was. After I went home, I sat up thinking about what we were going to do. Reagan really believes she is a teenager. Maybe, she remembered somethings over night. As I walked towards her room I was really anxious. A part of me kept saying turn around, don't go in there.

       Why does bad stuff keep happening to Reagan? Since we were 16 years old anything that could have happened bad for her, it has. Losing her parents, losing Kenzie to me, then losing her totally for her to once again be lost to me, and now this wreck that took her memories away. I feel like such a douche for being the cause of Reagan's heartbreak. I can't believe that she could still put a smile on her face every day and make it seem like nothing has happened. I have so much respect for my best friend. I just wish that she once again had all her memories.

       Before opening the door to Reagan's room, I stood there looking at her through the small glass window. She looks so deep in thought. I try to put myself in her shoes wondering how I would feel if I was being told that I lost track of so much time. Would I be doing the same thing she is? Would I have freaked out like she did? God, all this is too much to handle. Finally after taking a few minutes to calm my thoughts, I open the door and take cautious steps into the room. As Reagan looks towards me, I can't help but to feel scared of what to say. I didn't want to freak her out again. After running my hands through the back of my hair I stutter, "H-hey Reagan. How are you doing today?"

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