
“Well… er… as you know I’m er… Jasper… this is Kaya and erm Chrissie, Jessica and Em are still asleep.” Aaron ran a hand through his hair, flexing his tummy and arm muscles. Wess was half smirking half grinning at Kaya… Ohhh she’s the one he slept with last night… And Mitch was absentmindedly scratching his… *cough* “Oh do you guys want coffee?!”

“Please.” Aaron grinned.

“Milk? Sugar?” I questioned as I filled 3 more mugs with the steaming hot coffee.

“Can I have 4 sugar’s, no milk, please.” Aaron requested as he used a crooked grin.

“Erm, milk and 2 sugar’s please.” Wess asked still staring at Kaya, who was blushing deeply under his intense stare.

"Just milk for me, ta." My head was pounding! Stupid aspirin, so much for 'instant pain relief!' Instant pain relief my ass! Smacking the sugar on the counter i tried to loosen it, but the noise just hurt my head more. A hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me from hitting it against the counter again. Small glitters of electricity danced up my wrist from where Aaron had grabbed it.

After I finished making the coffee’s everyone was awake and getting food in the kitchen. But we were all trying our best not to make a noise. That was until Wess decided Kaya needed a tickle. And we all know how ticklish Kaya is.

“No! No! No! Stop!” She screeched running away. Because we are girls with hangovers and don’t take nicely to noise, Kaya and Wess end up being pelted with food and spoons.

“Erm, guys we best be off…” Aaron trailed off looking at his watch then at me. I felt sad that he was leaving. Why?! You have no reason to be! He’s just a stripper that came to give you a birthday strip. And I bet he does it to loads of girls every week… and even the odd dude! Why was I jealous that he stripped for other girls?! Because you like him! Duh! And you’ve seen him naked and you know what his “package” feels like… if you get my drift.

“I will show you the door.” I said sliding off the stool I was sat on, with my coffee in hand. Walking to the door, we both kept sneaking looks at each other.

“So… can I get your number?” I choked on the sip I was having. After having a coughing fit with him patting my back I was able to ask why. “Well, because your pretty and down to earth and stuff. I like you. Is that a crime?” I stifled a laugh at the irony of what he just said.

“I know but, your 22, I’m 19! Age difference!”

“Yeah but that doesn’t matter. My mum and dad are 6 years apart. 3 years is nothing!” He exclaimed throwing his hands up.

“Wait, why are we acting like we’ve known each other for like ever? And were getting married?” I laughed, taking his phone and putting my number in it. Saving it under Jazper* I used a ‘z’ instead of an ‘s’ because it looks cooler. And the star just looks awesome! He chuckled.

“I will text you tomorrow?” Biting my lip I nodded. “Right.. erm.. Bye.”

“See ya!” I called as he climbed in his car.

“So I guess we’ll be seeing more of you Jazz!” Wess called as he skipped into the back seat of the car. He literally skipped.

“See you soon Jasper.” Mitch said as we followed them to the car.

“Mmm, those boys are too hot for their own good.” Chrissie ‘tutted’ as she leaned against the opposite door frame.

“Yeah.” Jess sighed as she sat on the stairs.

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