Chapter Three

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Rhys bowed low. When I didn't move, he pinched my arm so hard I was surprised he didn't draw blood. I dropped into a respectful curtsey and stood up at the same time as Rhys. King Duran, much like Rhys, lacked any indicative facial expressions. Queen Leah appeared mild amused, and smiled warmly at both me and Rhys.

"Rhys, why don't you give us a moment with Remilia?" The Queen suggested. Her tone was polite, but I could hear the order loud and clear.

"Of course," Rhys bowed again and turned to leave. "I will be right outside if you should need me." I looked at him frantically, begging him silently to stay. I was not Rhys's biggest fan, but I would rather have him here with me.

"Sit down, child." King Duran spoke, his powerful voice filling every corner of the room. Without hesitation, I plopped down in one of the chairs in front of the King and Queen."Remilia." King Duran said in his loud voice. "It is so nice to finally see my only daughter in the flesh." My breath caught in my throat. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I didn't.That didn't stop my mind from spinning out of control trying to make sense of it.

"Remilia, sweetheart." Queen Leah smiled warmly at me as she spoke. "Welcome home. And I assume you realize by now that Rhys is your brother. And that you and Samuel were not placed in the same family by accident?"

"Didn't want the relationship, what is it the humans say? Awk-ward?" King Duran had an extremely loud voice and I flinched each time he spoke.

"Yes, yes, that's the one. We wanted you to feel comfortable with the family. You have enough to get used to without learning you had siblings." Queen Leah said.

"I-" I took a deep breath before I continued. Was I even allowed to speak to them? I didn't know. "I'm sorry, I really have no idea what you are talking about." The King and Queen exchanged a look.

"Has Rhys not yet explained this to you?" Queen Leah asked softly. I shook my head. "Oh dear. I'm afraid we must have caused you quite a bit of confusion just then." King Duran looked at me intensely for a minute before he spoke.

"I have no doubt you are curious about exactly what we are, and about your family. I'll start but do not interrupt me or you will have no answers at all. Understood?"

I thought it best not to answer verbally, so I just nodded. King Duran seemed satisfied. He leaned back and proceeded to speak.

"If this is not completely clear to you, Leah and I are your parents. You, Rhys, and Samuel are your brothers. Twenty-three years ago, we found out your mother was pregnant. Our kingdom was not doing well at the time, and we needed somewhere safe for our first-born, because he would one day become ruler. We decided it was best for Rhys to go to a wealthy human family who would be able to provide for him well. We avoided contact with Rhys until after the attacks on our kingdom had ceased. By that time, Leah was pregnant again. When Samuel was born, we sought out a nice and humble human family to bring him up. Rhys had been a sickly child, and yes we keep watch, and we feared he might not make it to rule. Even though the attacks had stopped, we thought the best odds for Samuel's survival and a solid upbringing lay again with a human family. So Samuel grew up in a good home. When you were on the way, we found that Samuel's host mother was also pregnant again, at the same time. We thought it best that you two grow up together. So you did.

"Changelings are a common practice in our culture. The Víla have had a rocky history with infertility and high infant mortality rates. The families that can afford it choose a human family, usually a wealthy one, and place their baby with them. This offers the best opportunity for survival and a good upbringing. Then, when the child is old enough, we take them back. Generally, these children have figured out that they are not like their peers and are excited to come back. We normally wait until they are of age so that they have gained access to their trust funds. That way, we have strong young adults and an influx of a substantial amount of money. We took Rhys back when he was around ten or eleven- until he was old enough to think intelligently. We explained as much as was necessary to a young child before we sent him back out to the human world to serve as our delegate." King Duran paused, thinking back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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