Becoming a Vampire

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Lilly's POV

A vampire? A Vampire!?!!!!!!? Excitement flowed through my body. I must have been quiet because Aro was shaking me.
"Don't make me have to tickle you" he said worriedly but there was a slight chuckle in his voice. I began to smile.
"So, do you wanna become a vampire" he asked. I grinned.
"Yes.....but there is one thing" I said, "I will not eat humans, only animals." He smiled.
"As you wish" he said. I looked at him.
"Will you still eat humans?" I asked. He smiled.
"Do you want me to eat animals?" He stated. I nodded.
"As you wish my dear" he chuckled. I grinned.
"When can you turn me" I asked.
"Now, if you want" he said. I nodded. He called for everyone to come up. They were hear in three seconds flat. Aro told them what he was going to do. They nodded.
"This will really hurt" Jane said to me "it will feel like you are burning but it is well worth it" she reassured me. I nodded.
"Ready?" Aro asked. I gave him my wrist.
"As ready as I will ever be" I muttered. He bit my wrist. His teeth sank in then pulled away. A sudden burning sensation filled my body. I screamed. It was painful. It felt like I was being burnt to death. Everyone went blurry.
"" I spluttered but no one did anything. My heart began to slow down and the burning died away. Suddenly, everything went black........

Aro's POV

It took all my will not to drain her blood. I watched as she screamed in pain. It took a lot more restraint not to help her. She had to change by herself. Soon the screams were gone and her heart stopped.
"We need to let her rest, she will be awake in a day" Marcus said. I was reluctant to leave but I knew there was no point in staring at the girl for a day. Instead, I had to go hunting. Lilly wanted me to eat animals so I needed to get used to it. I walked outside. It was raining. I went to the near by forest and hunted a bear. It definitely wasn't satisfying but it was enough. As I got back I could smell a new smell........Lilly!!!!! I rushed in to find everyone waiting for me.......

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