Chapter Eleven- Granger

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The rest of the day, I spent with Malfoy. We had been chatting and gathering ingredients for the love potion, but we had been intrigued by each other so much, that we didn't realize the time until it was nearly getting dark. I knew that Harry would've made his way back to the school by then, so I decided to walk home with Malfoy. He walked me back to the common room and we waved goodbye after that. I once again spoke the password and watched as Draco's robes whipped away down the stairs. Once I went inside the common room, it seemed as though everyone was asleep or in the great hall, so I decided just to go up to bed, although I barely slept that night. Malfoy was making me excited, not sleepy.

Another three days past, and before I knew it, it was Christmas day. Harry had forgiven me for leaving him in Hogsmeade, because I lied and said I needed to buy his present. In the morning I had received many gifts from Harry, my parents and Ron. He was saying in a letter about how he missed me, but I felt disconnected, somehow. I hadn't told Draco yet, but I had his love potion ready, stored neatly into my pocket, ready to give to him during some time of the day. Me, Harry and Luna hung out for a bit before lunch, then we went to the Great Hall for the feast. After a Merry Christmas speech from Dumbledore, everyone dug into the mass amount of food. I spotted Draco over the other side of the hall and waved, but Harry saw.
"What are you doing?" He asked, his mouth full of pork.
"Um, I'm being nice." I shrugged, then took a sip of water. "Tis the season, after all." When Harry wasn't looking, I glanced back at Malfoy who waved back, but very discretely, with only a flick of his fingers.

Everyone was laughing and talking on our way to the Quidditch grounds. The whole of Gryffindor house had decided to host a snowball fight for anyone to join in. The largest amount of land on the school grounds' was the Quidditch pitch, so we went there.
"Let the snowball fight..." Seamus called out while everyone prepared to get pelted with snow. "BEGIN!" Harry instantly threw five snowballs at my back, causing me to scream and giggle as I collected the snow for vengeance. I chucked them helplessly at Harry, who dodged every one I threw, perfectly, and hid behind a tree.

Me and Harry chatted as we strolled back to the Gryffindor common room, but it was as we were just about to make it up the stair cases, when I saw Draco Malfoy looking mysterious and uneasy as he stormed his way down the corridor.
"I have to go and drop off a book at the library," I told Harry, and then chased after Draco as he made his way towards our abandoned classroom. I looked outside a nearby window to see it nearly getting dark, but I continued to follow him through the door and into the room.
"Draco?" I asked, whispering slightly as I saw him standing by the window and thoughtfully looking out onto the countryside. The mountains were covered with a highlighted blanket of snow.
Draco turned instantly. "You called me Draco." He stated. I then realized what I had done, and I grinned to him.
"Yeah, I guess I did." I chuckled to myself, then walked over to where he was standing. "I have something for you..." I reached into my duffle coat pocket and pulled out a neatly wrapped bottle with a gold string around it. "Merry Christmas." I handed Draco the love potion. He smirked and carefully placed it on the nearby table. "Did you have a good day?"
"Yes, I did... but that's not what I want to talk about right now." Draco looked down, so I couldn't catch his eye contact.
"Oh, okay. What's wrong then?" I asked, also looking down. Draco took my hands and slowly pulled me to the centre of the room where the moonlight shone onto the wooden floor.
"It is christmas, after all." Draco smirked, then we stopped in the centre. He pulled out his wand and chanted a spell I had never heard before. Suddenly, music started playing. It was romantic music, adagio. Draco placed his hands on my hips and I just stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do. I was so nervous, I was sure I would collapse at any second.
"Well, aren't we going to dance?" Draco asked, demanding slightly, but not menacingly.
"Oh! Yes, okay." I placed my hands around his neck and pulled myself up against his chest. Draco tightened his hands around my waist, sliding his whole arms around my waist until our faces were only a few centimetres apart. I rested my head on his shoulder, relaxing slightly. We moved from side to side, slowly- it was more swaying than dancing. Then Draco pulled his shoulder away slighlty, so that he could see my face.
"I don't know what's been happening lately... between you and me. But whatever it is, it's caused me to say things and act in a way I never would've. For example, yesterday, I said good morning to Luna Lovegood!" Malfoy smirked a bit as I giggled. "But all I know is that it's you who has done it to me... but I still can't figure out why."
"I think you know why, Draco." I said, smiling up and him and gazing into his eyes.
"But please, know that whatever happens from now on, is that I don't know what I'm bloody doing right now, so know that whatever happens next will probably be the worst mistake you'll ever make." Draco's words got more and more shaky.
"I don't care," I shook my head, adreneline rushing through my body, like a spell was cast upon me.
Draco moved even closer to me, looking from my lips to my eyes.
"Hermione..." Draco whispered as he stared at me, and we stopped swaying. He had called me by my name.
"Yes?" I asked, longingly.
"Merry Christmas." And with that, Draco leaned in, placing a soft kiss upon my lips.

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