Chapter Five- Fingerprints

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Then next day, I went to quidditch class, then defense against the dark arts class, then I had a free period. After that, I met up with Ron outside in the gardens, where we knew a hiding spot that nodbody went to, right by a massive willow tree. Me, Harry and Ron would all go there, but sometimes, it was nice just to have Ron and I. We sat down and kissed for a while, talking about our day, rolling around on the grass. It wasn't until I was lying on top of Ron, snuggling into his neck, when I remembered I was meant to be meeting Malfoy. I checked my watch as I stood up. It read: 4:17pm. I gasped and looked down at Ron, who was lying on the grass, frowning.
"What's wrong?" He sat up and put his elbows on his knees.
I backed up slightly, ready to start running towards the empty classroom.
"I just realized that I need to be somewhere..." I quickly thought of an excuse. "I was meant to meet up with Ginny, like, 20 minutes ago. I'm sorry, Ronald." Ron stood up and I felt so bad, that I ran into his arms quickly and smashed my lips against his. Before he could even kiss me back, I sprinted away from the tree, leaving Ron to stare at me, breathless.
I hurried through the corridors, trying to find the one classroom Draco had taken me to yesterday. Finally, I spun round the corner and saw the same door. Rushing so fast that my shoes nearly fell off, I skidded round the corner and into the classroom, only to find Draco sitting on the floor and looking out of the window. His elbows were on his knees and his hands behind his head. I felt the need not to disturb him, because he looked so peaceful... yet, distressed. I turned quietly, to sneak away, but then he spoke.
"Granger?" He turned around, when I saw that his facial features had changed. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was messy, with no gel. I sighed and shut the door behind me as I walked in. I then locked the door with a spell and went to sit next to Draco, who has resumed his same position of his hands behind his head. Cautious not to make him anxious, I touched his arm, causing him to lower them from his head. We looked each other in the eyes and I frowned as I stared, confuzed at why he looked so mesmorized, yet hurt.
"What's wrong?" I asked, genuinly concered, and now sitting less than two feet away from him. I could smell his after shave.
Draco only shook his head in reply and looked back out of the window.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I was with Ron..." Then I realized that he winced at Ron's name. "Oh... what have you got against Ron?"
"I-I..." Draco's voice was rusty and crackly, like he had been crying, or screaming too much. "I saw you two, just about an hour ago, under the willow tree." He pulled a disgruntled face, and for a moment, I thought I saw a hint of either hurt or jealousy in his eyes. Then he threw his head backwards and lay on his back, placing his hands behind his head, causing me to look down at him. Accidently, I may have looked for a bit too long, because he pulled the exact same smirk I've always seen on Malfoy. I rolled my eyes and groaned turning so my back was facing the window.
"This is meant to be purely business. So please, do me a favour and sit up, stop showing off." Draco laughed, but did not sit up.
"You were the one who was late, Granger. Shouldn't you be early, if this is a business-date?" Malfoy rose his eyebrows and I saw that he was back to the same old Malfoy that we all knew too well.
"Fair enough," I said, regretting even coming anyway. Standing up, I walked over to a desk and placed my bag on it, that I'd had around my waist the entire time.
"Right, do you want me to help, or not?" I asked, turning around to see Draco in exactly the same position as he was before.
"Yeah, yeah." Malfoy stood up and walked over, taking off his cloak and putting it on the desk. His arm slipped past my waist as he placed it in front of me. Because he was behind me, his body pressed up, very delicatly, against my back. I shuffled away to the side and escaped from his chamber.
I then realized that I had shuffled in the corner. Draco walked over, like a predator, stalking his prey.
"What's wrong, Granger?" Draco asked, frowning.
"Y-you know," I stuttered, holding the spell book, that I took out of my bag, in front of me for protection, "you havn't called me by my first name yet."
"Neither have you," Malfoy moved even closer, his steps getting bigger.
"Why are y-you acting l-like a stalk-ker?" I tried to stay calm, by moving my head slightly to the side and away from him, but he just kept coming closer. I shuffled further up against the wall. Malfoy laughed and took one large step until he was about 2 centimetres away from my cheek, but because my face was slightly to the side, he couldn't see my face completely.
"I'm not being a stalker." Malfoy answered innocently, and I felt his breath moving downwards to my neck, and his hand sliding onto my wrist and he brought it up above my shoulders. My breathing increased in speed, my heart pumping, every atom of my body was attracted to Malfoy, but at the same time, I desperatly wanted to get away. Then, he did something that I did not see coming. He sniffed. My neck. Malfoy sniffed my neck.

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