Chapter Two- Everything

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Once we arrived at Hogwarts, we were lead to the Great Hall by Professor Mcgonagall, then sat down in our houses. Before I sat down, someone brushed past my shoulder, and when I turned to look, I found Ginny walking down the gap between the two tables.
"Ginny, hey!" I called from behind her. She turned around and a grin widened on her face. We hugged and when we pulled apart, she spoke.
"How are you? What's going on nowadays?"
"Nothing much. How is your family? Fred, George?" I asked, sitting down next to Harry and gesturing for Ginny to do the same.
"They're all good." Ginny accepted my gesture and sat down. She smiled to Ron, who was sat opposite us. "Hey big bro."
"Hey small sis." Ron said over drinking from his glass of water.
We talked for a while until everyone had sat down, then the first years were brought in and sorted into their houses. The same thing happened every year, so we mainly just whispered the whole way through. Finally, it was time for Dumbledore to make one of his famous headmaster speeches.
He stepped up to the small podium, coughed, then read out aloud from a piece of paper placed on the eagle stand.
"Welcome, welcome, once again to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Everyone clapped and cheered, then came to a quiet end once Dumbledore waved his hands. "I have a feeling this year is going to be different for all of you. And, of course, the events that happened last year have been taken into account, and we can hope for a much safer school now." Me and Harry shared an awkward glance. "I hope each and every one of you are prepared to learn more from our splendid professors." He waved towards the table of teachers sitting behind him, but this time, only a few people clapped, me included. I didn't want to disrespect them. "And we are most excited to..." Dumbledore continued on, but I didn't pay attention, and instead glanced around the room.
My eyes instantly caught the face of Draco Malfoy, sitting at the Slytherin table, next to Pansy, one of his gang members. His light golden hair was slicked back with gel, his skin was pale and white, his lips were... then he turned, and his eyes met mine. Realizing that it looked like I was 'checking him out', I swiftly jerked my head back to face Dumbledore. After a few seconds of looking away, I glanced back to see him smirking to himself, but looking and the table and playing with his thumbs.

After dinner, me, Ginny, Ron and Harry all walked back to the Gryffindor common room. On the way back, I yet again saw Draco with his friends, laughing and strolling around the school, but obviously they weren't going to their dormitories. They were probably going to bully some first year or pull out all of the Mandrakes in the garden areas.

I lay in bed that night, wishing for a better way to start my year. But I knew, that with one change of attitude and with Ron and Harry by my side, everything was going to be alright.

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