Chapter One- Memories of it All

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Here I stand, still me. The same girl I was last year, and the year before that. The same girl who wishes a million reasons to stand somewhere else completely, but... here I stand. I am still me.

The same Hermione Granger, that is friends with the most famous young wizard alive: Harry Potter. But I don't see him like that. I see him more as a relative. And as I stare out of the condensation-cluttered window of the Hogwarts' train, I don't think of him as any less than my brother.

"You alright, Hermione?" Ronald touches my shoulder and I jump out of my lapse. It has been four years since I've looked into his emerald eyes, so mesmerizing. We had been dating for about five months now. Ever since the tri-wizard tournament, I think we realized that we both need something a little normal in our lives, so we started dating in Spring.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied with a sweet smile, taking his hand and then turning to, my friend, Harry, who was sitting opposite us. His crooked glasses gave me a glimpse of joy, reminding me of the first time we met. "Harry, your glasses are broken again." I giggled and whipped out my wand from my pocket. "Oculus Reparo." I chanted, flicking my wand at the bridge connecting the two glass pieces in front of his eyes.
"Thanks," Harry chuckled and went back to playing with Crookshanks. I had asked for special permission to keep him in our carriage, and the driver had allowed me, with a little convincing, of course.
"What do you think everyone's going to be like this year?" Harry wondered, running his fingers through Crookshank's fur.
"I know Seamus said he got a haircut..." Ron smiled to himself, causing me to lean in and wondering why he was finding it amusing.
"What?" I urged.
"Well, it wasn't really a haircut. He burnt all of the hair off while trying to make a mouse dance!" We all laughed, then continued the journey in silence, until we heard a knock on the carriage glass door. When I turned to look, nobody was there. Harry stood up and opened the door, then walked left. Me and Ron waited for him to arrive two minutes later, and when he did finally show up, he looked disgruntled.
"What happened?" Ron asked as Harry sat back down.
"Malfoy." One word came from Harry's lips, and my heart sank and fluttered at the same time. I loathed Draco Malfoy. He was one of the pure bloods, as he likes to call them. However, me, I was a 'mudblood'. The term was taken from when a wizard or a witch has two muggle parents. The Malfoy family didn't accept those kinds of wizards.
"What did he want?" I asked, maybe too quickly after Harry had spoken.
"He told me to watch out this year... but I'm not exactly sure why." Harry stared off out the window, his eye sight loosing focus. "And he talked about you, Hermione." I rose my eyebrows, curious.
"He said his father wanted to speak to your parents."
"As if!" I huffed and sat up slightly, letting go of Ron's hand. "I'm not letting that cockroach near my family."
"I know, I know. But he seemed pretty threatening about it." Harry shrugged.
"Don't tell me you're scared of him?" I frowned, slightly laughing.
"No, no. I just think he was warning us about something. Well, more you." Harry then smiled slightly. " I just don't want you getting hurt."
"And he's not the only one," Ron chipped in, taking hold of my hand again. I sniffed, then gently placed my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and trying to let Malfoy's warning slip away.

How Do I Comprehend (Dramione)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora