Dancing in the Rain! (N)$^

Start from the beginning

"I'm not going to catch it, Love," Niall chuckles, and then walks into the middle of the large puddle, glancing down to see himself looking back at him. Bending down a bit to trace himself, only to have ripples form, spreading to the ends of the water.

The boys watch from the door, as Niall watches the water in wonder. 

"Do you think we should bring him in? He is going to be freezing later," Harry says concerned. 

"Yea, hate to burst his bubble and fun, but we don't need him sick," Liam says as he shouts for Niall to come in."

"I'm not even that cold yet," Niall brushes a few wet strands of hair out of his face as he glances at this boyfriends and then noticing their concerned eyes, "Fine, give me a few more minutes, and I'll come in,Loves. I just want to be out since we are always stuck in the rooms."

Niall looked up once more into the sky, he want to jump into the puddles but he was soaked, and his clothes were wet and heavy against his skin, and he may or may not be shaking from the cold, goose bumps raised on his skin. He knew he should be going in soon, but he just enjoyed the freedom at the moment. 

 "Come on babe," Zayn says losing all delight in watching Niall be himself, "we can see that you are shaking, Love. It's time to come in, you need a hot shower before we head to the venue." Zayn walked into the rain towards his boyfriend to being him in.

"What's the point if we are just going to be soaked when we perform?"Niall turned his head up to the sky. "Love this," he murmurs, raising his hand to catch a raindrop, sticking his tongue out.

"The rain?" Zayn questions, watching the blonde very move, noticing the goose bumps on his arms, and neck. Knowing that he needs to come in, immediately.

"It's one of my favorite things in the world," Niall murmurs, closing his eyes, letting more rain drops fall against his face. He was a peace, he could let all his worry, his fears, his insecurities fade away. He was in heaven. In the rain with his boyfriends need, not a care in the world at the moment.

"Come on, Love. We need to get you in," Zayn wrapping his arms around the small blonde bring him into him and walking back into the hotel.

Niall shivered as he walking back into the warmness of inside the hotel. He just realized how cold he was. 


Three days have past and the Lads had two day off. Everything seem to be going fine and all until Liam and Louis had been trying to wake up Niall so they all could go out for dinner.

"Love?" Liam whispered pulling back the curtain on his bunk, "you have to get up, we need to get ready for dinner soon."

Niall shakes his head "No," turning his face deeper into the pillow, pulling the sheets above his head.

"Niall, You need to get something to eat, You haven't had again since yesterday. You can sleep later," Louis says gently, pulling the sheets down from the blonde's head. 

The sleepy boy lifts his head slightly, his pouted lips and eye brows pinched together, Louis and Liam notice how Niall was pale and his cheek as rosie as they can get.

"You okay, Love?" Liam asked. 

"Yea, just tired."Niall replies as he pushes the covers and sheet away, pulling his legs out, and getting out of the bed slowly. He had just felt so drained today, like no matter how much he slept he couldn't get enough sleep. Well they have been doing two shows back to back, but it was just the beginning of this leg of the tour. He shouldn't be tired.

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