Chapter 5 - Aphrodite's Jewels

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CHAPTER FIVE - Aphrodite's Jewels

When she awoke, Amara had a bright smile on her face. Rubbing her face on her unusually hard pillow, she halted. Her pillow was not this hard. Opening her eyes, she gasped as she realized she was sleeping on the bare chest of Ares. His arm was draped around her waist, holding her close to him, and their legs were entangled with each other. Amara tried to squirm out of his grasp, but it only made him hold her tighter. Realizing that she was not going to succeed, she took this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ogle at the sleeping face of Ares. As he slept, Amara realized how innocent he looked. Gone were the wrinkles on his forehead that appeared every time he scowled or frowned. For a moment, she forgot about his gigantic ego and haughty personality.He was really quite attractive. The growing stubble on his chin only added to the gorgeousness. Unfortunately, as she was having her own mind assessment, she did not realize that the war god had woken up and was watching her with amusement. A husky voice snapped her out of her daze and caused her to tense.

"Good morning, ómorfi [beautiful]," greeted Ares with a sleepy grin on his face. Amara just watched in shock.

"Um... morning," Amara replied awkwardly. How does one react when you are cuddling with an insanely gorgeous man? "What does oh-more-fee mean?" Ares stilled. His eyes slightly widened, as if he just realized what compromising position they were in. He quickly pulled his arm from around her waist and got out of bed. Disappointed that he didn't answer her question, Amara pouted and got out of bed.

"Pack your things. We need to leave," Ares said curtly.

"Where are we going?"

"Don't ask questions and just pack." With a scowl on her face, Amara did what she was told. How dare he treat her this way, especially after last night? She packed her old outfit and brushed her disposable toothbrush, making a mental note to pack it with her, knowing that she would need it on her journey. The two made their way downstairs where they were greeted by the little old lady.

"Hello, you two. How was your stay?"

But before Amara had a chance to speak, Ares had already started talking. "It was wonderful, thank you. But we really should be on our way now. You've been such a wonderful hostess. Please, is there any way we can repay you?"

The old woman smiled, a single tear falling from her eye. She walked towards Amara and rested a hand on her stomach. "Just have a wonderful life and family. That's all."

Amara gave the woman a tight smile and felt Ares grab her hand, causing her to blush hard. They walked out together, hand-in-hand, and entered their car. As they began to drive, she heard Ares exhale in relief. "Well, thank god that's over. I don't think I can keep playing husband and wife again. We're going to need money. We got lucky with that old lady, but we can't expect that to work every time."

"What do you suggest we do? Rob a bank? Yeah, let's add more criminal activity to your record. Kidnap a girl? Check. Rob a bank? Still in progress." Ares scoffed.

"Amara, shut up. You know why I did the things I did. I don't want to further explain myself. And no, we are not going to 'rob a bank'. We are going someplace special. It's where gods, who visit the human realm, get their money."

"Why didn't we go there first?!"

"I forgot about it..." Silence. Silence filled the car as anger began radiating off of Amara.

"Oh my, god! You forgot? Seriously? Do you know how bad I felt lying to that poor old lady? We took advantage of her for no reason! You really are despicable!!"

"Are you done?" Ares asked with a surprisingly calm and bored expression on his face. Still grumbling and mumbling to herself, Amara managed to nod yes.

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