Chapter 2: Uke got to be kidding me

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After having the best sleep i'd had in days,I woke up early in the morning, right before the sunrise.  I noticed Mackenzie was still asleep, and with plenty of free time to spare, I decided to go for a jog around the area near the campus.
  Quickly I slipped on a pair of yoga pants, put on a sweatshirt and tied up the laces to my beat up New Balances, then I headed  out. Let me just state,Australian weather is so much nicer than the weather in Georgia. There was a steady breeze going, the wind blowing my hair, no cares in the world ,everything was going great. I soon began to think of all the people back home. Not gonna lie high school was rough for me, but it also really opened my eyes on what kind of person I aspire to be in the future.
I guess I was so focused in my thoughts before I knew it, I found myself lying on the ground with constant rushes of pain going through my whole body. I'm such a clutz. "You alright there mate?" Standing right above me was James, gosh why do I always seem to make a fool out of myself in front of him? "Yeah I'm fine, I guess I wasn't paying attention." My cheeks were burning up. I peered around doing whatever I could to avoid making eye contact with him,that's when I noticed the slab of uneven concrete I most likely tripped on. I continued trying to avert my eyes elsewhere and finally my eyes trailed their way to James feet. He was wearing roller blades, who would've guessed? Offering his arm for support,he helped me up off the ground. "Looks like You're bleeding pretty bad on your knee, how about we go to my place and get this cleaned out,I'll call Mac to pick you up." I nodded and limped my way back to James apartment  which was luckily nearby. "I'm so clumsy, sorry James! I know this probably isn't your ideal way of spending your Saturday morning," I said frantically. "Don't worry about it Dakota, what are friends for?" As I thought about it I realized James and Mackenzie were my only friends. I would probably make more during the year but I'm always such an introvert when meeting new people and that can sometimes be an issue. When he opened the door,I was pleasantly surprised with how his living space was arranged. It was all tiny and neat but the first thing that caught my eye was the tiny wooden ukulele next to his football equipment. "You play?" I said raising my eyebrows. "I can play a few chords here and there," James said and soon started playing a catchy tune. Da da Da-da da da Da-da da da. "Musician and a jock? Impressive."
"Thank you very much," he smiled which revealed dimples the size of quarters. "How about you,what are your hobbies?" I was trying to think,besides running, the only thing I loved to do was,"poetry."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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