Chapter 3: Ignorance

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     Kayla and I were talking to each other in homeroom. She kept asking me questions like," What kind of guys are you into?", and dumb questions like," How would I have sex with a boy?", as if she didn't know, she just wanted to hear me say it. I don't really plan on having sex or doing anything like that anytime soon. I'm not saying that I won't be having sex, I said that I don't plan to. No one my age really plans on having sex, it just kind of happens. I'm a sophomore in high school, people have sex all the time, but that doesn't make it ok, it's just nature. Kayla had hundreds of questions, and most of them I was comfortable answering.

     Classes had began and in one of them, we had to write an essay about an event in our lives that has made us who we are today. Essays like this get on my last nerve because the thing that has made me who I am today is related to my sexuality, and I'm still in the closet. My teacher told us if we don't want her to look in our essay journal, than she wont, but I wasn't taking any chances of my secret getting out. I just wrote about how my dad joined the military and how that has made me a strong and brave person like my dad.

     It was the end of the day and Kayla and I were headed toward our after school drama club they held after school. I feel angry, unworthy, and like trash. I feel like this every day after school because of ignorant students making fun of the lgbt community, and calling everyone a "faggot". I to get called a faggot because of my voice and my feminine tendencies, and the way I dress by those stupid jerks on the football team. Those ignorant little jerks have no idea what I go through everyday for being in the closet. They don't know the pain I go through with trying to feel comfortable in my own skin. The lies I have to tell to keep this secret hidden from everyone. One day those football players are gonna pay for all the pain they have caused me.

     While Kayla and I were walking to drama club, there were two football players coming up behind us. Kayla didn't really care because they never really bothered her or anything but I felt like I was about to get into trouble. There were negative feelings going down my spine and I was in great fear. The football players reached us and one of them grabbed me and my bookbag fell off my back onto the ground and the other started punching me in my stomach. Kayla tried to help me but one of the football players pushed her away from me and tried to keep her away from me. They finally finished torturing Kayla and I. All I wanted to do was go home and Kayla walked me home. I told her not to tell my mom about this but I was in so much pain.


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