Final Chapter Pt. 1

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About a year had passed and Kyle had made a full healthy recovery. Our YouTube channel, My Digital Escape, had grown and we are going to do Warped Tour this summer. Bryan, Kyle and I all bought an apartment in LA and moved there. The rest of the our friend had moved away and I haven't seen them in forever. This week though it was Christmas and the rest of MDE was going to to be here.
"Babe?" Kyle asked "can you get me that chair?"

"Sure," I said picking up the chair and setting it by the Christmas tree. Kyle got on the chair and put the star on the tree. Bryan was going to help with the tree but he was still at Damon's filming a video. Damon was a friend Bryan met and one of the reasons we moved to LA. Damon showed us the ways of YouTube, and he was one of Bryan's closet friends.

"And.... Done," Kyle said with a smile stepping off the chair and putting it back.

"It's perfect," I said it was a green plastic tree with flashing white lights a glitter bulbs that filled the tree as the lights made them sparkle even more. It couldn't be anymore perfect.

"Well thank you," Kyle said with a smile. I when over Kyle pulling him into a hug. He kissed my forehead as we stood together. Bryan got home finally as we finished cleaning the house as that is something we never do and it needed it.

"Sorry for taking so long, the video took a long time," Bryan said setting down the pizza he got for us. Getting some plates we got slices of pizza.

"Shannon is coming in tonight," Bryan said taking a bite of pizza and not looking up from his phone.

"Are you driving her here from the airport?" Kyle asked then took a sip of water.

"Yeah so if you want to come you have to hurry," Bryan said still not up from his phone.

"We should," I said turning to Kyle as he nodded. So we finished our pizza and got ready.

"Hurry up Johnnie!" Kyle said banging on the bathroom door as I tried to straighten my hair.

"I'm almost done," I said as I finished the last piece of hair. So I grabbed Kyle's jacket and slipped on some shoes. "Let's go!" I said to Kyle who was tying his vans. He rolled his eyes as we left the room locking the door and when to find where Bryan parked.

"Took you long enough," Bryan joked as we got into the car. The drive to the airport wasn't very long so it was that long of a silent. We pulled up to the airport as I saw Shannon standing with a luggage bag. She had changed her hair to short and green with black. Bryan stopped the car as she looked up from her phone and I smile spread across her face. She grabbed her bag as Bryan popped the trunk open. She quickly threw her bag in and shut it before hopping into the front seat of the car.

"Hey!" She said with a big smile.

"Hello," I said as Bryan started to drive again. We got home with Shannon filling the ride with questions of how we been and more. After a getting home, Shannon got settled into the guestroom and we all in the living room.

"So we have to fit everyone in this apartment?" Shannon asked.

"Yeah, Bryan's idea," I said.

"I'm going to head to bed, goodnight guys," Shannon said giving us both a hug and going to the spare bedroom.

"Night," I said as she disappeared into the hallway and to her room.

"I'm sleepy," Johnnie said as he was cuddled into me.

"To bed," I said picking him up bridal style and walking him to our room and laid him down as I got changed and when to bed hold the man of my dreams.

I know its the final will be 3 parts though and maybe a third book...maybe not.... More than likely and I didn't edit this...oops.... Much love hope you have liked it... ~Nicole

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