Chapter 9

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I pulled away, as I was still in his arms.

"I have missed this so much," I said, as he was blushing a deep red.

"It felt so right," Kyle said and I pulled him into another kiss.  We started to kiss more until my phone when off as Shannon texted me.

"They are waiting there for us," I said.

"We better go," Kyle said, so we started our walk there.

"What are you going to do about Meghan?" I asked as we were walking.

"I don't know, I still really care about her, but she didn't treat me horrible.  I just don't know right now. I just want to enjoy myself tonight. I mean its a Friday!" Kyle said, I took that as he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Okay, well everyone is going to be there, not just Shannon, Jeydon, and Samm," I said.

"Okay, who are all the others?" He asked.

"Well we have Bryan, Jordan,  and Alex," I said and he nodded. We walked hand and hand like we used too. We finally got to the barn and Shannon was the first to greet us.

"The lovers are here!" Shannon said with a giggle.

"Shannon we aren't dating," I said and Kyle was still a deep shade of red.

"Whatever," Samm said winking as they both walked away.

"Hi! I'm Jordan," Jordan said too formally to Kyle as Kyle let go of mine to shake Jordan's.

"Hey, I bet you know I'm Kyle," He said.

"Yeah and this is Alex," Jordan said as she walked by.

"Yeah," Kyle said, as he awkwardly stood there. So I took his hand and led him to where Jeydon and Samm were.

"Hi guys," Samm said with a smile.

"Hey," Kyle and I said in union, making Samm giggle.

"Well what going on?" Jeydon said as he pointed to our hands that were together.

"Nothing," Kyle said quickly.

"I'm telling Meghan," Samm said playfully as she got her phone out.

"About that, I broke up with her," Kyle said. 

"So is kohnnie now real?" Bryan said as I when a deep red.

"Kohnnie?" Kyle asked, very confused.

"Kyle and Johnnie, together, is kohnnie. Like a ship name" I told him.

"Oh, well not yet," He said.

"What does that mean?" I asked as he took both of my hands.

"Well you have been here helping me no matter how much, I hurt you," He said

"Yeah bu-," I was cut off.

"I'm not finished. Anyways, you help me get out of what Meghan did to me and you made my realize what true love is. So Johnnie, would you be my boyfriend?" He asked. As I was in tears.

"Of course," I said as he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Aww," Shannon said. "Wait I still have them," She then got out the old wooden heart necklaces.

"What are these?" Kyle asked taking one of the necklaces.

"Shannon gave them to us the first time we were together," I said and he smiled putting it on.

" Oh, well I love them," Kyle smiled, "thanks,"

"I want to make a toast," Bryan said as he passed out cans of Peace Tea, "To Kohnnie,"

"To Kohnnie," Everyone replied and opened their cans taking a sip.

"Wow," I said in a fit of giggles.

"You guys are amazing," Kyle added as he was laughing too.  We all sat on blankets  around a fire  Bryan started. And this place felt more like home than anywhere in the world.

Hey, well I was thinking about doing a q&a kind of thing next authors note so leave questions, I answer things like, What do I use for my covers? and What did I have for lunch? anyways thanks for all the nice this book has almost 400 reads..... that's crazy!


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