Chapter 11

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It was Monday, and winter just around the corner. So I got up and got ready for school just like any other school day. I grabbed my book bag and heard a knock on the door.

"Hey babe," he said as I kissed him and he walked in.

"Hey," I said with a smile.

"Bryan must be running late," Kyle said as he dropped his book bag and we sat on the couch.

"That means I have time for this," I said as I sat on his lap and started to kiss him.

"Oh you think so?" He asked giggling.

"I know so," I smiled as I started to kiss him more passionately. Sadly our make out time was cut short with honk of a car horn. So I got of his lap grabbed my book bag, as did to same. We walk to the car, hand and hand.

"Hey guys," Bryan said and smiled.

"Hi," I said, and he didn't say anything else, as Kyle was staring out the window.

"It's going to snow," He said.

"How do you know silly?" I asked giggling.

"Look at the sky," He said.

"I don't see anything," I said.

"Well you aren't looking hard enough," He said, giggling.

"Alright love birds we are here," Bryan said and shut off the car.

"Thanks Bryan," I said as we got out. Hand and hand we walked to school, getting looks.

"Why are some people looking?" I asked.

"Well everything about Meghan," He said and I nodded, I quickly pecking his cheek and started to walk to class. After school Kyle and I met up with Bryan and he took us back home.

"Bye guys, I have to go, I heard there is a blizzard coming," Bryan said.

"Okay, thank you!" Kyle said as we ran into my house.

"What if it snows in?" I asked.

"That means I'll have to spend the whole night, dang," Kyle said with sarcasm and a bit of flirt in his voice.

"That would be a shame," I said as I pulled him into a kiss, "a damn shame,"

"Wow you flirt!" Kyle giggled and playfully pushed me. As I smiled into a kiss. Really understanding how happy I have been with Kyle here, for good.

"I am utterly in love with you," I muttered as I moved the hair falling into his eyes.

"As I am in love with you beautiful," Kyle said with a smile and kissed my forehead.

"Have you thought of the future?" I asked "like what you want to do with life?"

"I have no idea," Kyle said.

"Bryan invited both of us to make a YouTube channel with him. Called my My Digital Escape, with our other friends," I said.

"We should make a video together, right now," Kyle said sitting up.

"Let me get a camera and lights set up," I said. With that we got set up and turned on the camera.

"Hey guys, its Johnnie," I started.

"And I'm Kyle," Kyle said with a wave.

"Our good friend BryanStars asked if we would be on MDE so here we are," I said with a giggle as we continued to introduce ourselves.

"Well that's really our video and later we may do a Q and A," Kyle said as I nodded.

"Bye," I said with a wave and shut off the camera.

"We are so awkward," Kyle said.

"I know anyways we have to edit and post, and I still haven't told Bryan we would do it," I said.

"I'll call him," Kyle said kissing me and he walked out. It didn't take to long to edit as it was only like a five minute video.

"He said he would be happy to have us," Kyle said sitting down next to me.

"Okay, all have to do is upload," I said and I started to upload the video.

"I'm excited," Kyle said with a smile.

"Me too," I said as we laid down and I cuddled into his arms.

Hey, if only MDE was made as Johnnie and Kyle were awkward teenager all lovely to each other. Anyways happy (late) Halloween and know only 19 more days till my birthday..... It literally scared me turning 14 as I have no idea what I'm going to do after middle school. And sorry for not updating I haven't felt good, like at sorry for mistakes because I didn't even edit this ~Nicole

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