Chapter 16

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Alex and I were the only ones awake by the time it was two am. I sat drinking a monster, which I hate, I'm drinking it just to stay awake. Noise filled the room with machines, clicking, buzzing, and beeping, and the snores from the people asleep in the room. I sat counting till there was a beep just to restart. Something to distract my mind from sleep. I looked over at Alex who finally dozed off to sleep.
"So it is just me," I said to myself, squeezing Kyle's hand a bit. I heard him groan and try to move, but with the tubes and stuff he just gave up and took a heavy breath and that's all. "What happened to you?" I whispered to myself. I sat half waiting for him to answer, but knew he wouldn't. I felt so hopeless without him. I don't remember much after that as I fell into a light slumber.

"Johnnie, wake up," I heard as I woke, sadly Kyle wasn't awake, but Shannon was.

"Oh, how long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Not long, I just woke up, its 7 am," She said.

"Oh, well I only got three hours of sleep then," I said looked over at Kyle, who looked more alive, and wasn't so pale. A nurse came in, stepping over Jeydon and Samm cuddled into each other by the door. She checked the machines and a doctor also came in.

"He's got a crowd," The doctor laughed. "Well we can take the breathing tube out and he should wake up soon,"

"Okay," I said nodding as the nurse and doctor started to take the tube out. I realized I had his hand all night and I still do. They got the tube out and they left as they did everyone was up as they weren't the quietist of people. Somehow everyone was squeezed around the bed, backs against the bed to surprise him. I still sat in the chair, as I wouldn't leave his side. He slowly opened his eyes blinking a few times before his eyes were used to the light. He looked over at me and was stuck straight in my eyes.

"Hello beautiful," I said smiling and planting a kiss on his forehead.

"H-h-hey," He said trying to move but couldn't. The time came everyone jumped out.

"Hey!" I heard some people said as Kyle as a huge smile on his face.

"You all are here for me?" He asked as everyone nodded.

"You are best friend, of course we would be here," Shannon said.

"What even happened?" Meghan asked " I found you at the river," Kyle's face when from bright to fear filled.

"Do I have to talk to police?" Kyle asked quietly.

"Honey, the sheriff was already at our house, he already turned himself in," Kyle's mom said, and nobody pushed the subject any far after.

"So you guy have been here all night?" Kyle asked and everyone nodded.

"The nurses gave us blankets, your mom stayed in the other hospital bed," Jordan said.

"Thank you guys," He said "If I could hug you, I would,"

"Speaking of hugging, you will be free to go after we get the cuts bandaged and you have to come in every other day to get them changed. Only take them off to shower and you aren't to do PE until we let you," The doctor said.

"Okay, got it," Kyle said as they started to take the IV out.

"Just take a few day off school and take it easy, we don't need cuts reopening or sitches breaking," the doctor said and he nodded. They got the IV out and him bandaged. Once Kyle was up and walking, we all filled out of the room and all of us were out.

As we were walking I heard somebody yelling. "Excuse me!" A lady asked.

"Yeah?" I stopped and turned around the rest of the group stopped as well.

"I was the person who arrived to the scene and I wanted you guys to know you saved him. You kept him warm with you guys and here is the sweatshirt," She said giving me my sweatshirt I was wearing that day.

"Thank you," I said.

"Wait what?" Kyle asked as we started walking out again.

"Well I found you, and Johnnie had called. They all got here before the ambulance and it started to snow. Johnnie was already by you and took off his sweatshirt for you and we all sat around you," Meghan said.

"Well thank you," Kyle said as he gave her a hug.

"I want one!" Shannon said sneeking pass Meghan and hugging Kyle. Soon everyone was hugging him.

"Well, its been a long day, I should get home," Kyle said as everyone said their goodbyes and left.

"Do you want me to come over?" I asked as we walked to the car.

"If you would please?" He asked shyly.
"Yeah, sure," I said awkwardly as we got into the car.

After getting home I helped Kyle up the stairs and to his room. I got him into his bed and got some painkillers into him as the doctor advised.

"Can you lay with me?" He asked softly. I nodded and moved the blankets before laying next to him. He wrapped his arms around me as I planted a kiss on his lips. He kissed back and ran his fingers through my hair. In his arms I felt loved, nothing would ever break us apart... Our love was something to last forever.

Hey, another chapter I think only 2 more chapters.... Idk... Much love ~Nicole

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