Chapter 17

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I didn't sleep that night either, just to make sure he was okay. I was still worried about him, I felt the guy who did this to him was still a threat. I don't know why he was even at the river. So many questions that also kept me awake.
"Babe?" I heard Kyle say with a yawn.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What is keeping you awake? He asked softly.

" I just am worried," I said cuddling closer to him.

"About?" He asked again planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"You," I said.

"I'm fine, I promise," He whispered.

"What even happened to you love?" I asked looking into his soft brown eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it now," He said tensing up.

"Can I at least know who did it," I asked again pushing it.

He drew a shaky breath "," he said tears started to form.

"I thought he was gone," I said holding him as the tears started to fall.

"Me too," he said softly into my chest where his head was hid.

"He is gone now darling," I said trying to reassure him. He just nodded and looked up at me, tears filled his soft brown eyes, as I placed a kiss on his soft lips. He once again buried his head into my chest, his body shaking as well.
"Breathe baby, just breathe," I said softly into his ear. I started to breathe slowly to show him. After a while I hear small snores and I knew he was asleep. Finally I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

"Wake up Johnnie," I heard a whisper waking me.

"Hmm?" I mumbled.

"Well I'm off to work, and your mom said you can stay here. Just make sure he takes it easy and takes the painkillers," His mom said kissing Kyle's forehead and walking out the door and down the stairs. I laid back down as Kyle cuddled into me. I was stuck awake as once you wake me I can't fall back asleep, but after an hour or so later Kyle woke up.

"What time is it?" He said with a yawn

"It's eleven," I said "and time for you to take your meds."

"Fine," He sighed as I handed him the pills and the bottle of water his mom left out. He finished the whole bottle of water by the time I got out of the bed.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Very," He said with a smile.

"For?" I asked again.

"Pizza," He said with a giggle.

"You lay back down, and I'll go make it," I told him with a kiss.

"But I want to be with you," Kyle said trying to get up.

"No you shouldn't, its fine," I said with a reassuring smile.

"You should just order it," Kyle said with a groan.

"That takes people skills," I said as I kissed him again and when down to the kitchen. I got the oven preheated and the pizza out of the plastic wrapping. Once preheat, I then put the pizza in. I sat on my phone as I waiting just to hear footsteps. Kyle has hobbled down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"I told you to stay upstairs you are going to get hurt," I said rushing over to him.

"Johnnie I'm fine, its all okay, check if you want to," Kyle said lifting his shirt. Which he was right nothing had happened.

"Okay but would you still lay down," I said walking him over to the couch.

"If it makes you feel better," Kyle said laying down.

"It does," I said kissing him. I was about to pull away before he held my head and kissed me again with more passion. In the heat of the moment the oven timer went off. So I pulled out and when to get the pizza. After
cutting it I brought it put to him and we ate together on the couch.

Hey...look an update anyways thanks for reading so far only a few chapters left and I think that will be the end or a third book, idk yet. Much love ~Nicole

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