Chapter 3: Discovering

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( F/N = First name. L/N = Last name. )

I still cant believe that I, (F/N) (L/N), have Markipliers number. With heart emojis that he put in himself. I drive home and run into my apartment, to just jump on my air mattress and scream. This has scared my cat silly, but I call him down. Once my cat is calm, I pick up my phone and speed dial my best friend. She picks up after 2 rings.

"(Y/N), it's 10 am! That's like 3 in the morning for me," She said tiredly. She usually doesn't bother to say hello.

"Anya, you will not BELIEVE who I just met."

"Is it that stupid Carrothead? Cause I would love to beat him again." I can feel her smirk on the other end. Carrothead was this guy that was rude to me and harrased me, but Anya and a few other friends helped me get revenge.

"No, ew. Mark. I met THE Mark."

"THE Mark? Who..." She ended her sentence fragment with silence. "Oh my God. No way."

"Yes way! At the gym, and he took me for coffee!" I screamed excitedly. I can hear her screaming as well.

"Oh my god! I cant believe that happened! He asked YOU for coffee?"

"Yes! He's streaming today, and he invited me to go to his home for it! Wade's gonna be there, too."

"Girl, good luck! I'm gonna head back to sleep, I got work at 7. I'll try to watch the stream." Anya's sleep schedule is like vampire hours; She sleeps all day and works all night. But that's what makes her different. "Tell him I said hi, and that my girlfriend and I's date is just watching him and eating pizza!"

"Okay, I will! Sorry for bothering you."
"Its chill. Call me later about the livestream. Love you."

"Okay! Love you, too." I hang up. Okay, Mark said it's around 2 or 3... That gives me a few hours. I better find some cute clothes. Nothing too fancy, nothing too casual. My life, basically. I pull out a large shirt with the red pixel M on the front. I slip out of my gym clothes and put on the large shirt along with black torn jeans. Basic, but fitting.

Now all we gotta do is wait. I wanted to text Anya, but she's asleep! My other friends are at work. There's nothing to do but unpack. I'm super lazy, though.

I get up from my air mattress and move boxes around to make me seem organized. I almost dropped my box when I heard a loud scream and then laughter following it. I open the door and pop my head out. The laughter is coming from down the hallway. Are they okay? Whatever it is, it sounds hilarious and/or painful. I gotta scope it out.

I walk down the hallway to where I hear the laughter roaring right on this door. I knock hard 3 times. The laughter stops, but small giggles can be heard. I hear a male talk as he walks to the door. He opens it while looking toward whoever he's talking to.

"Shut up, Wade! Someone's here," He laughed. He looked down and opened his eyes wide to see me. "Y/N? What're you doing here, the live stream doesn't for another 3 hours or so." He laughs. My eyes are wide open to the fact that Markiplier lives in the same apartment building as me. Oh my God.

"Mark; You live here?!" I say with a voice crack at 'here'.

"Yeah! I do. Didnt you look at the address closely?" He laughed, brushing his hand through his red hair.

"I did, but I live here too! I heard laughing and stuff when I was unpacking," I stuttered. His smile grew bigger as I talked.

"You're the new girl in 428? The landlord said to look for a cute (short/tall) girl around here!" His face slightly pink while I looked like my head was replaced with tomato. "No use in standing in the gross hallway! Come in, come in." He moved out of my way and held the door open, beckoning me in. I walked into his home and looked around, then focused on his tall friend.

I looked up at him and waved. "Wade, It's great to meet you in person!" I said nervously.

He smiled. "It's great to meet a fan!" He put his hand out and I shook his hand. "So you must be the infamous (Y/n) Mark has been telling me all abou-- OW!" He yelped from Mark stepping on his foot. I blushed at Wade's words. Mark actually talked about me to one of his best friends???

"Don't listen to him, he's crazy." Mark laughed nervously, his cheeks pink. "Shall I give you the grand tour, my lady?" He said, putting his hand out. I smiled and put my hand once more in his. I agreed. He then pulled me to show me his rather large apartment. Even the room he gyrated in once in a video he posted of his home! It felt like I was in a historical landmark.

After Mark showed me his home, we all gathered in the living room and talked. I lied to why I moved, Wade talked about which game Mark and him were gonna play for the livestream, while Mark actually remained mostly silent. While I rambled on about my interests and my career, I felt two creamy chocolate eyes burn into my side, the same eyes I felt this morning. He was staring at me again. Out of anger? Curiosity? Dare I say... No, no. He couldn't like a person like me. Though, It's nice to dream.

After chatting for a while, I look at the time and realize I need to unpack more. "I'm sorry boys, but I need to unpack. My kitty can't wait for his tits no longer," I laughed. I didn't want to leave, but I had to get stuff done.

Mark groaned. "Alright," He smiled. I sensed sadness in his tone. I waved them both goodbye, and they both hugged me before I left. Mark held on much tighter and much longer than Wade, but I didn't mind. I headed back to my apartment, shut the door, covered my face and screamed.

Okay, a few hours. That gives me time to get my stuff done, make me something to eat, scream about today and get ready for the live stream.

Here I come, TwitchTV!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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