Chapter 2: Awkward Decaf

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"Yes, I'm sorry!" I stuttered, amazed that my idol ever since his 100,000 subscriber mark is standing right in front of me wiping his brow and stretching from his workout. "Uh, Mr. Fischbach, sir." Ugh, I feel so creepy for calling him by his last name. He must think I'm a freak already.

"Mr. Fischbach? Sir? That's too formal! Just call me Mark. And it's always great to meet a fan." He smiled brightly and put out his large hand. I placed my tiny one in his palm and shook. My cheeks are flushed pure red. Everyone calls him super short, but he's a giant compared to me! Height and body width wise.

"Haha, alright Mark. I'm Y/N." I smiled sheepishly back. I pull my hand from his. Im never washing this hand again.

"It seems like you workout alot, Y/N. But I've never seen you here before?" He questioned.

"I actually just moved here! From (HOMESTATE)." I replied, taking a swig of my water.

"Well, welcome to L.A.!" Mark smiled. He looked at me warmly. "Hey, you've been working out for years it seems like. Want to call it a cool-down day and go get some coffee?"

Oooooh my god. OoooHHH. My mind is screaming. I want to stick to my diet, but who passes a coffee with Markiplier? "Ah, sure! That sounds good!" My voice cracks slightly at the end. He laughed lightly at it.

Once we were at Starbucks, I ordered a Caramel Mocha and he ordered just a black roast with extra sugar. We sat down with our drinks.

"You didn't have to pay for me," I said with a mouthful of ice coffee. "I do make it rain often." I laugh nervously, then mentally slapping myself for saying something so stupid.

"It's the least I can do, I interuppted your workout." He took a sip and stuck out his tongue to show he burned it. I laughed quietly. "Tho, wath brouth you to L.A.?" He said as he tried to cool down his tongue.

"There was a college I wanted to attend here, but I lost all my money. Idiot cousin got into my account and gambled it all away. So I guess I'm here for a new start." I lied. There's a personal reason why I'm here, and I wasn't ready to spill my beans to him.

"Really? I'm terribly sorry." His eyes were filled with concern for me, as if he knows more than just that part. There is a lot more, and I want to just open to him. But I can't, I might scare him away. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"No, don't worry! I'm starting my job next week, and you shouldn't waste even more of your time on me." I smiled and drank more of my free mocha. "It was my fault for trusting that dirtbag, anyways."

"What a sack of shit." He sighed angrily.

"He got his lesson. Hoefully he won't find me." I said, wanting to change the subject. "I love your videos so much. They helped me laugh when times were pretty bad."

"That's what my videos are for! To make people happy." Mark grinned.

"Hah, you weren't too happy in Vapour. Yamimash was terrified!"

"Poor kid. But that game was great for being on Engine. It had a feeling that made you feel like you were always being followed, but I really wish there was more instruction than those words in blood. I was so lost." He's so into remembering a game he played in 2013. He's so handsome when he tries to remeber things. He's always handsome.

"I know! Other than that and a few more glitches, its a good game!" I laughed, remembering his reaction to the ghost when he got killed in the game. We continued to talk about several video games, he's most excited about Fallout 4. But like every normal gamer, you don't have enough money in the worst of times.

After just minutes it seems like, I looked at my phone. It was already 7:30! We just got there at 5:45! I groaned. I didn't want to leave Mark. I want to stay in his radiant presence.

"I better get home, I have lots of unpacking to do. And to make sure my cat has his toys."

"Awh. I guess I'd better head home too, I have a livestream to prepare for today. Hey, maybe you can come by when I text you? Wade is actually gonna be with me in person!"

"Haha, sure! That sounds fun. What's the livestream for?" I asked, actually really curious. I guess its a surprise stream.

"For the kids in the psychwards and mental hospitals. I know most people focus on cancer and other scary diseases, but the little kids with mental diseases matter, too." His voice is serious now.

"Bless. I mean, I've been diagnosed with depression when I was just in the 4th grade, and bipolar in the 7th. Not a lot of people were there to help us, but when there were; they were the sweetest things. All focused on our recovery." I began to tear up, remembering the hardships I had. I've been in and out, all had the heaviness of drug use and suicide. Its sickening, and I don't want anyone to be in my place, staying in there for months because of low funding. Mark snapped me out of my memories by putting his hand on mine. His eyes were scared for me.

"Let's not focus on the past. All that matters is that you're healthy now, and alive! That's all we ask for you." He smiled to show that everything will be alright, like he did for me on the screen.

I gave him my phone so he can put number in. He smiled, wiped my tears off, grabbed my phone and put it in his number. He handed it back. I'm still freaking out that I have Markiplier's number. We walked out of Starbucks, hugged goodbye and drove away in our cars. Well, he drove away. I looked in my phone to see how he put his contact name. It's "❤Markimoo❤". It made me squeal and make my head fall on the horn, honking loudly for a straight minute. I decide to text him.

Me: Hey, it's Y/N! Heh, thanks for letting me rant. Its been a while since I did that.

❤Markimoo❤: Hey! Anything for a friend. And the livestream is at 3:00 today. My address is (random address). I'll see you there, Y/N!

Me: Hey, eyes on the road, mister!

Heart emojis. Anyone can use them but Mark makes them feel so much more special. I can just feel his positivity still glued on me.

It's true that parting is total sweet sorrow. I just don't see the sweet part in it.

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