Chapter 7 - New Year, Same Story

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of relief I am so looking into how to drop that class, because that shit was boring as fuck, maybe they’ll

let me take cooking again. Crap there goes the bell it’s a good thing I’m right at my class door.

Advanced History –

Now to be honest I have no idea what was taught in this class. The last thing I remember being said

before I was distracted was the class syllabus. Now you’re probably thinking what was distracting me

and like always is something sexual. My girlfriend thought it was a good idea to rub and squeeze her

hand up and down my thigh. Now I know we haven’t had sex in like 2 weeks but shit, class is so not

the place for this. This is so not how I want my class period to go, and she has me horny as hell. This

leg rubbing has been going on for about 20 minutes now, so I’m ready to fuck her in the middle of my

class right now. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any more distracting they did.

I stupidly wore a skirt today, which might be why her rubbing and squeezing are affecting me this

much. Anyways I feel her hand going higher up until her hand is right on the lining of my underwear.

Now I know some of you are trying to figure out how all this is happening in a class, well let me explain

our history class is in an old science room. So there are no desks at least not really it’s more like

booths and Anna and I choose the one in the back of the class. No one can see what she’s doing

because the chairs are so low.

Back to what I was saying her hand starts to rub my lips through the fabric and its taking me

everything not to moan, I look at her and see she is still facing the board smiling. She moved my

underwear to the side so quickly I can’t stop her, the next thing I know her finger is moving in soft

circles around my cl*t and I moan out load against my will. I couldn’t hold it in this feels so great, but

she has to stop I don’t think I can keep myself quite for much longer. She picks up pace and I have to

shove my hand in my mouth and put my head down to keep my moans muffled, she looks at me now

and laughs with lust in her eyes. I can feel myself about to c*m and soon after I do my leg starts to

shake and I force the moan that’s begging to be released down my throat.

Now I thought she was done with me at this point, no such luck she was far from done. We still had 20

minutes left, I feel her finger slip into my vagina and I gasp. The teacher looks in my direction asking if

I was ok, I answer back quickly I’m fine and just saw a bug that scared me. He rolls his eyes and asks

me to read from the textbook pg.7. So I begin with Anna still fingering me, for notice, I read horrible as

it is but this had to be the worst I’ve ever been. I was trying to read and hold moans in at the same

time. Once I’ve found a way to ignore the pleasure I’m feeling Anna picks up pace and starts to hit my

spot, at this point I moaned so loud the whole class looked in my direction. My face I can feel is

flushed and red I can tell everyone is wondering what’s wrong with me. I try to explain but feel myself

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon