chapter 17

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17.    Marcus

Letting her get away was worth it, I felt like I had saved her, she was probably at her home now. A part of me wanted her to stay but I couldn’t let her stay here, not with this monster lurking around. My father has strapped me down to the table in the dark room, with a gag in my mouth. I had multiple cuts all along my torso and some on the side of my legs. I had a massive wound starting at the top of my right shoulder going down to my left hip. My father stood above me talking to someone of in the distance, I couldn’t hear anything. Some people emerged from the dark and passed him more tools. I winced as I saw him fiddle with each one, choosing what one to use next, I shut my eyes and pictured a happy place, with her. Something pressed on my chest and I screamed out in pain. He was using a branding iron. I panted hard and strained to see him with the bright light shining in my face. He pressed the branding iron down again, I screamed even louder.

He bent over and whispered something in my ear, “Next time you won’t let her get away.” He twisted the iron, I tried hard not to scream but tears still dripped from my eyes. “Next time you won’t take her out of her cell” He put the branding iron down and grabbed a nail clipper. He used it to pull of my entire thumb nail, I screamed again, tears rolled out of my eyes, burning as they hit my cheeks. He whispered something for the final time, “Next time you will kill her”

I shook my head, I tried to say ‘no’ but he ripped out another nail. I screamed and threw my body around, trying to free myself. My father laughed and walked away.

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