chapter 4

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4.    Intruder

We drove back to my house, I walked Bo into my living room and Loki followed. Marcus was sitting on the lounge, he smiled at me when we entered.

“Hey there” His smile grew.

Bo went pale. I stood my ground.

“What do you want?” I kept an even tone.

Marcus stood up, walked towards me and brushed his hand across my face, “Why are you so angry? Relax a little” He gestured to my lounge.

I just glared at him, “I could have you arrested for breaking into my house”

He smiled again, this time moving closer “Why would you want to do that?”

I didn’t flinch, “I honestly don’t like you”

“You did last time I was here”

“That was different”

He tried to get closer to me when Loki put his hand on my shoulder.

“I think you should leave now” I could feel the anger in Loki’s voice.

“No thank you, this is a nice house, I wouldn’t mind living in it myself” Marcus smiled.

I was irritated, “Leave”

Marcus watched me for a second, something sad glinted in the back of his eyes.

“My father wants the money by next week Bo” Marcus walked towards the door, placing some keys on the table. “Don’t make him mad. He takes it out on others.” Marcus closed the door behind him.

Bo sat down and tried to calm down. Loki sat next to him. I walked up to the table to inspect the keys. I picked up the metal, silver, exactly the same to my front and back door.

“How did he get these?” I mumbled.

Loki looked up, “What are they?”

“Keys to my house” I looked at the keys as I walked back to the lounge.

“Here” I passed them to Loki, “You lost your key to my house”

“I didn’t lose it, I misplaced it, Stupid” He snickered a little when he called me that.

I sat next to Bo and took his hand, “It’s ok Bo, we’ll figure something out”

“There’s no we Lauren, It’s just me. I’m not dragging you two into this. I love you both too much, you two are the closest thing I have to a family, and I’m not putting either of you in danger”

I hugged him, he didn’t hug back. “Bo where already in this, and I’m not letting you do this on your own”

Loki put his hand on his back, “I could lend you the money you need Bo”

“No, no I can’t let you do that”

“I don’t mind Bo”

“I’ll see what I have in the bank” I gave him a smile, “I can help too”

Bo looked at me and Loki, then smiled sadly, “No. Thanks so much but No”

I hugged him tighter, he hugged me back this time.

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