chapter 14

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14.    Chilling.

My legs where on the bed and my head was on the floor. Boredom does some pretty weird things to you. I thought looking at the ceiling upside down would be more interesting, apparently it just makes you really dizzy. Someone knocked on my cell door, “Who is it?”

“Its Marcus” I looked up at the door, I could see him peeking in through the iron bars, he looked puzzled, “Lauren what are you doing?”

“Just chilling” I smiled at him.

 He laughed and unlocked the door, “Come on, Dad said you can ‘chill’ with me for a while”

Yes! “Oh that’s cool of him” I put my legs on the floor and got up, Marcus linked his arm with mine and we walked down the hallway to his room. I liked it better in there, it didn’t feel like I was being locked away. He opened the doors and I looked around admiring his room, even though it was the size of a large apartment and had a kitchen, bathroom, and lounge room, spa and speaker system. The spa actually looked pretty good right now.

Marcus unhooked his arm from mine, “I see your eye balling my spa.”

I tilted my head to the side and stared at the spa, “Well you see, I like bubbles and spas usually have bubbles”

He shut the doors, “Do you want to use my spa?”

“I’m really dirty” I stretched out my shirt, it had holes in it and blood stains.

“You could borrow one of my singlets if you want” He walked over to his wardrobe, “or you could just go skinny dipping”

I could hear the smile in his voice, I replied “I don’t think that’s going to happen”

He laughed and turned to face my direction, “then you will want to wear this then” He threw a black singlet at me, I caught it with one hand.

“Uhh... do you have anything smaller?” I could use this as a blanket.

“Nope that’s the smallest I have” he walked back over, “this should fit you fine” he took it from me and held it next to me studying its size.

“It would be like wearing a dress” I poked it.

“And? Just wear it like a dress then stupid” He pat me on the head.

I rolled my eyes, “Fine I’ll go get changed” I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I took of my old shirt and shorts and put on the singlet, it dangled just above my knees. I opened the door and went back into the main room, Marcus was already in the spa.

“That suits you” he was doing one of those cute half smiles

I looked down at what I was wearing, “thankyou” I walked down the spa steps and sat in the water.

He smiled and moved next to me, putting his arm behind my neck and across my shoulders, “So... Lolly, what’s it like sitting in a spa with one of the most good looking boy’s you have ever seen?”

I replied with a smirk, “Pretty good until he started talking”

He pulled a sad face, “Do you really mean that?” he did the puppy dog eyes thing.

Those big, emerald green puppy eyes, “Of course not” I smiled gently.

“Then you’re flirting with me.” His cute sad face went to a playful cocky grin.

Damn it was a trap, “No I never did!”

“Oh wow Moo don’t panic I was just joking around” His smile grew and he hugged me closer, “Besides, you see more like a cuddle person anyway”

I laughed, “How would you know that?”

He looked at me grinning, “Care to prove me wrong?”

We looked each other in the eyes for a little while, “I think I’ll pass this time”

He moved away but still smiled, “That’s fine with me”

I started splashing the water in front of me, “Marcus?”

“Yeah?” He flicked the water.

I looked at him pouting, “Where are my god damn bubbles?”

He chuckled, and clicked a button on the side of the spa turning the bubbles on, “Is that better princess?”

I laughed as the bubbles hit my nose, “Yes it is, and wait did you call me princess?”

He started to float on his back, “I’m not going to call you princess again if that’s what you’re trying to get me to do” he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, “You think you’re so smooth”

He floated until his head was above my lap, “I don’t think so, I know so”

I giggled, “Are you looking up my nose?”

“Well I am now” He observed my face.

“No stop it!” I covered my nose with both hands.

“Aww you went all red” He stopped floating and stood up in front of me, I only just realised he had no shirt on and went completely bright red, he had very big muscles.

He looked down at me and sighed, “You can pick your chin up off the floor anytime now”

I picked up my chin, “I wasn’t staring. Why are you standing up?”

He shuffled forward, “Because I can” He picked me up so I was sitting on the edge of the spa.

I almost did a girlish squeal, “Marcus what are you doing?”

He leaned in and kissed my forehead “Taking you away from your precious bubbles”

“No!” I kicked my feet splashing the water, he giggled.

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