Epilogue and Chapter 1

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I walked up and down the hallway. I was fourteen and lived alone in my fathers' house, my brother and parents died in a robbery at the local bank a few years ago. I'm unemployed and had barely any money left. I stopped walking and stared at the front door. My Dad usually came home at this time of day and I would run up and hug him. My mum would be cooking dinner and me and my brother would be playing co-op on the Xbox. That was so long ago. Dad didn't come home, I haven't even started dinner yet and my Xbox was dusty. My heart started caving in, the more I thought about it the more it hurt. I sighed then relaxed into the lounge and cried.

1. Friendly love

The familiar smell of tobacco drifted swiftly underneath my front door as the car rolled up my drive way, I grabbed my blanket off the lounge and dived into my room. I heard a click and the front door opened. I crawled quickly under my bed with the blanket over me; this was the worse hiding spot ever. Soft footsteps started up the hallway; I buried my head into the carpet and pulled the blanket over tighter. One? Maybe two people or three, or some guy with a horrible limp. My heart thundered in my chest as their feet passed my door, they didn't even notice me. I craned my head to the side. Success! I'm such a ninja! I softly laughed to myself. "Did you hear that?" footsteps grew louder and someone appeared at my door way. Great I thought to myself, you're such a ninja, bullshi- "Come out where ever you are" His deep voice lingered cheerfully. "You know I'm going to find you..." He stood closer to the edge of my bed. I could smell his feet. His lovely minty feet. Why the hell are they minty? "Did you find something?" another person entered my room.

"I think so" replied the man, "She's a very bad hider"

"I know that" laughed the other.


The first man shot his arm underneath my bed and got a good grip on my left leg then ripped me out from underneath, flipping me onto my back.

"Found you!"

"Let go of me!" I giggled, "You're tickling me"

The man was my friend Bo Diaz; he had dark black hair and a handsome face with beautiful blue eyes, he was 19.

"Alright Bo let her go" The other guy was Loki Pierce, a rich boy with sandy hair and caramel eyes, also handsome. He was 18.

Bo looked at me a little longer with that childish grin then let go. "I was only playing"

"Yeah yeah, of course you where"

Bo rolled his eyes.

I looked around puzzled, "I thought there were three of you?" My name was Lauren Camm; I had amazing dark brown curly hair, and as Bo put it, really cute and pretty brown eyes that he could look at all day. I was 13.

"There are three of us, you me and Loki, stupid" Bo looked at me like I was dumb.

"No I meant another guy; I thought I saw more people walk passed my doorway..." Now I was thinking that I was crazy. That sounded stupid.

Loki walked up to me, "Yeah there is" He punched Bo's arm, "Don't confuse her she's not as bright as you think!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. He just smiled. They both worked out regularily. So there were two incredibly strong men standing in my room. Well this is awkward.

I sighed, "Who is it then? I haven't got all day"

Bo shifted his head to the side, "You had plenty of time to hide under your bed, which was a really stupid hiding spot. This house is huge, stupid, but you can't stand here and talk to us?"

I'm going to punch him. I lifted my arm in the air.

"What's going on?" Another boy, oh my, a better looking boy. Yay. He has short black hair, and god. He had the most gorgeous emerald green eyes I had ever seen. The guy was massive, not big, he was bulging with muscle.

"Why is she staring at me like that?"

Aww, he looked so cute when he was freaked out, wait what?

"Yeah Lauren why are you staring at him like that?" Bo nudged my shoulder.

I practically had to pick my chin up of the floor. "I-I wasn't staring..."

Loki cracked up laughing, "You're so cute when you're nervous!"

I blushed. I'm going to kill him; I'm going to murder him.

"Shut up Loki!" I glared at him. I didn't like it being awkward.

"Come on stupid", Bo again, calling me stupid. "You're creeping out Marcus"

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