Chapter 6

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6.    One million big ones

I followed Bo up the drive way to Laurens house. My head was pounding at the very back, another migraine. “Bo do you have any panadol or head ache tablets?”

“Loki do I look like a pharmacist?” Bo looked at me like I was an idiot, “Besides I’m sure Lauren will gladly help you out.”

“You’re just jealous because I’m her best friend and she likes me more”

Bo glared at me. “I’m not jealous Loki. I’m just in a bad mood. And since when have you been her best friend? She doesn’t have a favourite”

“That’s what she tells you.” I looked at him like a cocky rich boy, which I pretty much was. He rolled his eyes.

“What the hell is this?” Bo crouched down in front of the door. I joined his side.

“That’s not blood is it?” I ran my finger along the red substance on the concrete below. Bo stood up.

“There’s a note pinned to the door”

I looked at him impatiently, “What does it say?”

Bo unpinned the note. He looked like he was going to be sick.

“Bo what is it?” I stood up properly. “Bo? Bo answer me god damn it!”

He looked at me, “Loki they took Lauren”

I looked back at the blood then took the note of Bo.

Bo Diaz, since you were unable to fulfil our terms and conditions before the pay date we took that little whore of yours instead. If you can pay our new price before the new pay date not only do you get her back we will also forget that this whole thing happened. If you fail to pay up once again your ‘friend’ will never see the lights of day again. If you even try to call the police she will die. The new price is $1,000,000

Signed- ‘Scarface’ Miguel

“One million dollars?” I looked over to Bo, he was staring at his car.

“I’m selling the car. Giving them all the money I have, that might cover most of it...” He looked around.

“Dude I can pay half of it for you, the quicker we get her back the better” I had to help him out.

“No, no Loki I can’t let you, this is my mess I’m going to fix it”

I quickly turned him to face me “Listen to me you stupid boy, you won’t get the money in time, it’ll be to late by then. I could pay this off in seconds and that’s  exactly what where going to do. This isn’t a game anymore. Laurens probably already dead!” Bo stared at me in shock. I let go of his arm, “... it doesn’t say how to pay them”

Bo took the note and carefully read over it. “We’ll take it to my dad.”

“I’m not sure that’s the best idea, you saw how he acted last time”

“That doesn’t matter, all that’s important right now is that we get Lauren back”

“Finally I can agree with you on something”

We rushed back to the car and sped to Bo’s Arcade.

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