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I come from the sand 14

            The house was silent when I walked in, this meant Deidara was gone or out back training. I slowly crept to the back yard and smiled when Deidara was out there fighting against the fake dummies. Not wanting to disturb him, I walked back outside and jumped onto the roof. It was nighttime and the stars were shining bright, the stars made everything that was bad in my life disappear. Even it was for a second, it was still nice.

            Being in that cave made me realize things, and one of them was I do not regret meeting Itachi at all. Sure I would have had an easy life full of love, and no-one hating me or wanting to kill me but nothing compared to the life I have. I might be losing Itachi, but I met my uncle. Madara is after me but that is because I crossed his path and he thinks he can have my power but he can’t. He realized that when we killed each other.

            I believe Sasuke will kill Itachi because Itachi is growing weak and dying, he is an easy target. He will still be hard to fight but in the end, it is Itachi killing himself if he goes overboard with power. But I know in my heart he wants to die and forget what Konaha made him do, he wants his brother to kill him. Itachi loves Sasuke and everyone in the Akatsuki knows it, but sadly it won’t be a happy ending. They are both stubborn and temperamental, they let power get in the way and they both don’t like to be the first to make things right.

            And speaking of jerks, what the heck was up Deidara’s ass? He was so kind and was my shoulder to cry on and now he won’t even talk to me! I wasn’t planning on using him as a rebound; I didn’t even want to be with him. My heart only belongs to one person and that is Itachi. If it was you Rin, I would be breaking the rule and walk right into the house and tell Itachi you will spend time with him rather he likes it or not.

            I slipped inside the house through the open window and went inside the room; Deidara was sitting on his bed messing with his clay. I ignored him and gathered my weapons, and my swords I almost lost while fighting Madara. Once I placed everything around me I made my way out.

“Were you going Rin?” I heard Dei ask

      I wanted to laugh; now he was concerned? I ignored him and left, still keeping the protection spell up. Just because he was a jerk doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to care for his health and well-being.

            I stopped and looked up; I was standing near the trees ready to jump up the rocks into the secret place. The house would be right up there, Itachi inside it doing who knows what. I jumped, now in front of the house and opening the door. My feet started to move on their own and stopped right in the living room. Tobi (Madara) was sitting on the floor, Itachi was sitting on the couch with Kisame and standing up against the wall was plant man.

            Itachi’s head slowly started to move his head up to me and then he glared at me causing my heart to shatter. “What are YOU doing here?”

He wanted to play cold? I invented cold! “Just wanted to stop by and visit my best friend but I think something crawled up his ass or he is just on his period.”

Kisame got up off the couch and stood beside plant man, whimp. “I told you not to see me anymore”

I shrugged “Since when do I listen?”

            He tried to use his sharingan but it was no use, I deflected it with mine and smirked. I knew this would get him angry. First he was on the couch and the next he was standing in front of me with his hand around my throat. He hoisted me up in the air and I still smirked, my red eye activated. If it is a fight he is looking for then it is a fight he will get! I kicked him in the manhood and landed like a cat on the floor when he dropped me.

            I held his shoulders and landed a nice knee in the stomach punch, and then gave him a right hook to the face. Itachi stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth, his face showing pure rage. “You just don’t understand how much I care for you! I am not just ganna give up and move on Itachi”

            This earned me a kick to my stomach, causing me to fly back into the wall with a loud thud. I went to move away but wasn’t fast enough; he sent a knee kick to my stomach and kick to the face making me land on the floor. I moved out the way when he sent kuni at me, that ass hole! I disappeared, and poofed back behind him and sent him flying on the ground. I sat on top him with my legs on the side and my hands holding his.

            “ENOUGH, ITACHI!” I yelled but it didn’t stop him.

            He used his head to hit mine and blood came from my mouth, he flipped us over to where he was on top of me and his hands pinned me down. I wrapped my legs around his and smirked. A smile played at Itachi’s lips before his face moved down to mine and licked my blood making me laugh a tad.

“If I recall, you seemed to enjoy this position the other day Itachi Kun!”

     His smirk faded and he lifted us off the floor, my legs still wrapped around him. I waved to the others before we landed in Itachi’s room. We cuddled on his bed and his hand played with my hair.

“Itachi, not seeing you is just too hard for me to handle” I whispered, afraid if I talked louder I would wake up from this dream.

His hand brushed my bangs back and he kissed my forehead “I am sorry Rin, my wolf, I just couldn’t bare it. But now having you in my arms, it is what I need before I leave this earth, move back in and stay in my room.”

“What about Deidara? I am afraid of Madara Itachi…….he wants Dei and I dead”

Itachi smiled “Is your bed big enough for two back at your house?”

I nodded “Good because I am coming with you, now help me pack”


Tobi’s pov

            I watched them leave into his room, those two were in love and I hate to see them be apart but it was going to happen. We all knew Itachi was going to die to Sasuke, and that would leave Rin weak. I needed her weak because when we fight that day, killing her will be fun. We were close us three, Itachi, Rin and I. We were going to take over this world, but then things changed and they betrayed me. Rin was leaving me, not wanting to rule the world in the first place.

            She joined because Itachi, then she wanted more power and kill those who destroyed her family. Revenge was on her mind, and now she will pay for crossing me just like Nagato and Konan. But I will need her not to long after I kill her, for a mission she will want to do to get back at Sasuke.

             I wish she would have taken my offer, but the lady she went to see told me the future and I end up killing her and then taking her away from Itachi once again in the afterlife. It was sad to see her happy and then ripped away and back to the living but she deserved it. Rin was my best fighter here, she was the only person beside Itachi who could kill me and she did. Good thing Kabuto owes me and brought me back.

            It was shocking to see her alive in the cave, but I guess killing her was not going to be that easy. I admit I did have a special part in my heart for here, I see her as family. I think she would make a perfect Uchiha, I could train her and Sasuke how to use the sharingan more and she can dump Deidara.  She doesn’t love him and we all know it, her heart only beats for one person and that is Itachi.

“Hey dorks, I am stealing Itachi for a while so say goodbye!”

I looked up from the floor and saw Itachi with a bag full of stuff and a backpack, guess he won’t be living here no more. “Tobi will miss you!” I yelled, I had to play it off as I wasn’t Madara

Rin scoffed but smiled anyway “Rin will miss you I guess, bye”

“Wait, Tobi got good idea! Why don’t Rin and Itachi marry if they love each other?”

Itachi glared at me but Rin blushed, so she liked the idea? They both looked at each other and shrugged.

            They both laughed and left me laughing on the floor; maybe I will go easy on her when I kill her. She was just too cute for her own good and made me stop and think if I really wanted her dead. Of course I didn’t but if she wanted to fight I would kill her if she wanted it.

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now