Chapter 32: The truth

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It was late at night when the first guests started leaving. When everyone left, Thalia and old Billy went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I went upstairs to the nursery room, sat down and started unwrapping the presents and reading the little notes that were writen on them. There were clothes, shoes and toys for the baby. It was so nice to know that there were people who cared about me and my future. "Edith?" I heard Alan saying, knocking the door. "Alan, came in" I told him. "I have something for you" he said and gave me a small box. I opened it and inside, I found a silver bracelet. "This is really beautiful Alan, thank you" I said and wore the bracelet around my wrist. "Just a small present for your birthaday." he said smiling. "Edith, I need to talk to you" he said a while later, looking rather serious. "What is it Alan?" I aksed him. " I wanted to ask you for a long time but I wasn't brave enough. You looked really surprised when you heard that Thalia and I would get married. Why?" "Oh, Alan, the reason of my surprise was you. I had just broke up with you and when Thalia told you about her feelings, you immediatelly proposed to her. What is going on?" I asked him, really confused but deep inside I was excited. Finally, he would tell me. "I...I still love you Edith" he said and grabbed my hands. "I thought that if I married Thalia I would get over you but I can't help it, Edith, I just can't!" he said, shaking like a leaf. "Alan please, calm down, will you?" I begged him. "Look, I understand how you feel but Alan, I am not in love with you! I don't feel comfortable enough to share my life with someone after what happened to Thomas... I don't even know if I will ever be ready for something like this!" I explained. "Okay, I understand." he said. "There's nothing wrong with you, I just don't feel the same way. Please, don't break Thalia's heart, she really cares about you." "I know she does and I love her but it's not the same." "If you love me as much as you say, please, try to understand. I think Thalia is the best wife you could have. Try not to disappoint her." I begged him. "Okay, okay, I won't. I just wanted you to know the truth." he said and turned around looking at the door "I should better leave now." he finally said "Okay. Thanks for the bracelet again" I told him. "Don't even mention it." he said and started walking towards the door, closing it behind him.

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