Chapter 24: The barn

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I had been walking for nearly an hour, or maybe even more, when I finally saw the barn in the distance. I was really tired and I felt relieved that I had found it. I walked nervously towards the door and put the key inside the key hole. The door opened slightly. I pushed it and went inside. The door closed behind me and I could barely see due to the darkness. It was a big barn and I could smell the dampness in the air. Just in front of me, it was Thomas' machine. I walked towards it, touching it with my hand. It was cold. "Hello my dear" I heard someone saying behind me. Scared, I turned around. "I am sorry for what happened back at the house." Thomas told me, his face empty of expression. "No, don't be sorry, you protected me." I said. "Look, I broke off the engagment with Alan as soon as you left. I know that you wanted me to marry him but I don't love him." I explained "As far as he stays with you, everyhing will be alright." He told me. "I see that you came to see my machine, it was really kind of old Billy not to throw it away" "You spent most of your life working on it" I said. "Oh my dear Edith, you are so right." he said, coming next to me. " And it's something I shouldn't have done. I did everyhing to make this machine work, even risking losing you. I was blind, I understood how important you were for me only when it was too late. Will you ever forgive me?" He asked me "I have already forgiven you, my dear Thomas." I said, getting even closer to him. Our lips were now close, ready to meet. But then, the door opened and light came inside the barn. I closed my eyes, trying to protect them from the rays of the sun.

"Miss?" I heard someone saying. When I opened my eyes again, the door was closed and Thomas was nowhere to be found. "Miss, are you ok?" Old Billy asked me, standing in front of me. "Old Billy? What are you doing here?" I asked him confused. "Dinner is ready and Thalia asked me to call for you so I came here as fast as I could" He explained. "Oh, ok. Go outside, I'll come shortly." I told him. He nodded and went outside, leaving me alone in the barn again. "I'll come back. I promise." I said, walking towards the door.

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