Chapter 1: Leaving Allerdale Hall

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"We are going to be fine Edith, I promise" Alan told me when he saw his men coming towards us. "I am going to take you away from here once and for all." "" I whispered. I didn't want to leave Allerdale hall. Despite all those days trapped there, it had been my home for over 2 months. And Thomas... I would never forget those moments I had spent with him. The love I had felt. "Sir, are you alright?" A man asked Allan. "Yes, Edith is the one who needs help. She can barely walk" "Come to the carriage with me".

We got to the carriage and soon I could not see Allerdale hall. 'That's it, we are leaving.' I was thinking. Suddenly, I started feeling weird. " Cough, cough" "Edith, are you ok?" Allan asked me. "Stop the carriage..." "What?" "I said stop the carriage!" I screamed. When the carriage stopped, I got out and I threw up. "I am fine" I said "Are you sure?" Allan asked. "I said I'm fine!" I said and got on the carriage again. "Miss, are you feeling allright?" the carriage driver asked me "Yes, it is just weird to go back to America again, that's all" I said.

"Are you feeling ok?" Allan asked me about an hour ago when we arrived at the hostel we would be staying for the night. "We can stay for one more day and then leave for America." "No, it's ok, I'm just a little dizzy." I said "I just need to get some rest, I feel really tired." I said and went to me bed.

"Agh..." It had olny been an hour or two since I fell asleep when my stomach started hurting me again. "Edith? What's going on?" I heard a voice saying. "Allan? I am so sorry for waking you up. I'm ok, it's just a stomachache." "Are you sure? I don't think it's a stomachache..." he said "What...what do you..." I couldn't finished my sentence and ran to the bathroom. When I got back, Allan was sleeping so I went to bed slowly and carefully, trying not to wake him up again. He deserved to get some sleep. Tommorow would be a big day. We would leave England.

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