Chapter 9: Saying goodbye

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I was really angry with Alan. 'How could he do this to me? He is my friend' I thought. And then I found out the truth: my father always told me that Alan was really fond of me. Maybe he always wanted us to be more than just friends. But still, if he really cared about me, he wouldn't propose to me like that! I was really confused.

"Miss? I heard you screaming from downstairs, is everything alright?" Thalia opened the door and asked me. "Yeah, Thalia, I am ok, I just had an argumment with Alan" "So, will you still go to England with him?" Oh no, I hadn't thought about that. 'What am I going do?' And then I came up with an idea. "Thalia, pack your things as fast as you can. Tommorow we are leaving for England!" I told her excitedly. "Miss, are you sure I can come with you?" "Of course you can! You have been working for my father for a long time. Now, go downstairs and start packing! Time is precious!"

"Are you sure you got everything you need?" I asked Thalia the next day. "Yes miss, I am ready to go!" I knew she was really happy. I remember her telling me how much she wanted to visit England when we were children. "Can I have one more minuite?" I asked the carriage driver. "Of course miss."

I went back to the house. All the furniture had been taken away and it looked so empty. So big. It would be the last time I would ever see this house. There would be no turning back. I went upstairs to my bedroom for the last time. It was the only room that was still full of furniture. I went to the table next to my bed. There were sheets of paper everywhere, from the days I used to write. I took some of them and the pen my father had given me. I was about to leave when I remembered I had forgotten something: the letter. I took it and dug it in my pocket. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, got outside and locked the door.

"We can go now" I said when I got into the carriage. "As you wish, miss" said the carriage driver. "Goodbye." I whispered , as the carriage was driving away, leaving the house behind it...

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