Chapter 27: The Smiths

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"I have to go find an old friend of mine that came to the wedding, why don't you join the Smiths miss?" Old Billy asked me. I nodded and walked towards Thalia's relatives. All her family members had come to see Thalia getting married: her parents, her uncle and aunt and her young cousin. I had met them only once before, when Thalia first came to my house.
"Yeah, it's only a month away and..." Thalia was telling her parents, but immediatelly stopped when she saw me. "What are you talking about?" I asked them "Oh, hello miss! Thalia was just telling us about..." "Mother!" Thalia whispered to her, trying to tell her to stop. "Oh, right." she said. "Miss, why don't you spend some time with my cousin? I am sure Miranda would love it!" she suggested, turning and looking at her young cousin. She was about 5 years old, with long, fair hair and a big smile. "Of course!" Miranda said happily and grabbed my hand.

"Miranda, I am delighted to meet you" I told her "Yes, me too miss! Thalia has told me so many amazing things about you!" She said. She looked really excited to talk to me. "She also told me you are waiting for a baby! What great news!" she said smiling "Indeed they are!" I agreed. "Is it a boy or a girl?" she asked me "Ah, we won't know that until the baby is born." "Oh, I see." she said, rather dissapointed. "And how much do you have to wait?" "3 more months." "Wow! You must be really patient! I wouldn't be able to wait for so long!" she said. I laughed. "You are a really funny and cheerful little girl! You just made my day." I told her "I am glad you are happy miss!" "Call me Edith." "Ok miss...I mean Edith!" she said and both of us started laughing.

Miranda and I spent a lot of time talking to each other and soon, it was getting darker and darker and the guests started to leave. "Come on child, we have to go." Her mother walked towards us and told Miranda "Ok!" she said and ran towards her mother, but came back to me a second later. "It was great to meet you Edith!" she said, hugging me. "It was great for me too." "Will you let me know when your baby will be born?" she asked me "Of course, I'll send you a letter." I told her and kissed her in the forehead. "Great!" she said and ran to her mother, waving to me while they were walking away.

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